Precious Time: Cardio vs Weight Training...??

Like most people, I dont have tons of extra time to spend at the gym...I try to get there for an hour at least 5 times a week...
I have been focused on cardio when I am there, only doing weights once, maybe twice, a week.
My thought is that I should get rid of all the fat through cardio before I start toning with weights.

Does that make sense?? Or am I just making my own random conclusions??



  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    That depends on you. I think you should work on what's most important to you. If you're mostly interested in losing bodyfat, then diet and cardio-type sustained exercise is the clearest path to that goal.

    Another issue might be: what does the rest of your schedule look like? You say an hour "at the gym" 5 times a week - do you have any other time you can exercise? If I was in your shoes, with my fitness goals, I would use my 5 precious gym hours for strength training, and then do my cardio outside the gym. You can do cardio just about anywhere. You can walk/speedwalk/jog/run/step aerobic/exercise video - - - etc. etc. etc. at home - but only at the gym do you have access to all that yummy strength training equipment.

    Just work on what's most important to you - it'll come. :smile:
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I agree with Casper, I think we get too caught up in thinking working out can only be done at the gym.

    The problem for me isn't exactly the time it takes to actually work out, it's the stretching, the getting on the proper clothes. Then you have the actual work out, then it's stretching, showering and getting on the proper clothes to move on with my life.

    The number 1 reason I set up my own gym at home was the time. I don't drive anywhere. If I'm lifting a rarely wear shoes. (that might change one day, but right now I'll be a dare devil).

    I do 6 work outs a week, 3 running sessions, and 3 weight sessions. Sometimes I do them on the same day, ideally I'd like to alternate days between weights and cardio. Running can be done anywhere...and so can walking...or walking fast...or jump rope, push-ups...anyway, you get the idea. The point is, I have lost 50 lbs and not once this year have I actually done more than 50 minutes of actual work in a single work out. (amd that's if you count warm-up and cool down walks during running) Yes it takes me an hour to do my wieghts, but by the time I factor in changing weights, writing stuff down, it's only about 30 minutes of actual work.

    That's just what works for me, we're all different.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Like most people, I dont have tons of extra time to spend at the gym...I try to get there for an hour at least 5 times a week...
    I have been focused on cardio when I am there, only doing weights once, maybe twice, a week.
    My thought is that I should get rid of all the fat through cardio before I start toning with weights.

    Does that make sense?? Or am I just making my own random conclusions??


    I was in this predicament about 6 months ago. I thought I should spend all of my time doing cardio at the gym to burn off the fat before I started strength training. However, once I started incorporating strength training I started losing inches and pounds a lot more consistently. Not to say that cardio won't help you lose weight. But, strength training will build muscle. And muscle burns fat! You will get trim and toned by strength training. If I were you, I would do 3 nights strict cardio, and 2 nights strength training to start out. On the nights you do strength training...add 10-15 minutes of cardio before you begin. It will get your muscles warm and heart pumping. Right now this is my schedule...maybe it will help you. Some of it I do at the gym...

    Mon- Turbo Kick (cardio kickboxing) 40 min + 35 min ChaLean Extreme (strength training)
    Tues- Running 4-5 miles (@ the gym...its too cold to run outside right now!! I'm talking -10 degrees!!)
    Wed- Turbo Kick 30 min + 50 minutes "Pump It" class @ the gym (cardio strength training)
    Thurs- Running 4-5 miles @ the gym
    Friday- either a rest day (if I need it) OR 3-4 miles running @ the gym OR Turbo Kick (whichever is most convenient for me)
    Saturday - Running 4-5 miles @ the gym + 35 minutes of ChaLean Extreme (strength training)
    Sunday- DAY OF REST!!! :bigsmile:

    Turbo Kick (aka Turbo Jam for non-instructors) & ChaLean Extreme are DVDs for at home workouts

    *Having at home workouts really helps me because 1) I don't have the space to build a gym in my tiny apartment and 2) I don't have time to go to the gym all the time. If I have some good workout DVDs on hand then I can do them early in the morning, in the afternoon or at night...without the hassle of going to the gym.

    Hope this kind of helps!