It's been months.....I need motivation and support

I was doing so well....and then I fell off the face of myfitnesspal's earth....What keeps you motivated people? How do I get started again? Love Dee~


  • cdmalmrose
    cdmalmrose Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Dee ... I have been off and on myself. Even went back to WW thinking that since they helped me lose quite a bit of weight several years ago that is where I needed to be.
    Didn't work out the way I thought it would so I am back here ...

    Since my husband and I made the decision a couple weeks ago to go as paleo as possible there have been lots of changes in our eating habits. We've seen great process but it's been tough changing a few mindsets.

    Hang in there ... you can do this.
    (Hugs) Cara
  • fitzpata1
    fitzpata1 Posts: 30 Member
    I've kept a journal since the beginning of my weightloss journey to keep track of what I was feeling, my goals, etc along the when I feel my movtivation starting to waiver a bit I go back and read some of those early entries to remind myself of how I felt when my body was not representing the best version of myself. And that really helps me stay (mostly) on track. :)

    Stay strong and can do this!! :)