Finding this really hard



  • sineadramsay
    you've lost 1lb more than i have so at least your doing better than someone lol
  • jeolds
    jeolds Posts: 104 Member
    Hi from South Africa! I just did a quick scan through your diary from the past week and a few things I noticed that you might want to change ...

    1) There is quite a bit of white bread, muffins, bread rolls, etc. I would cut way back on the breads ... especially white bread. Substitute rice cakes, wholewheat crackers or a nice seedy wholegrain brown bread or sprouted bread IF you have to eat bread. Mostly I just try to avoid the breads and pastries all together.

    2) Many of the meats that you are eating are fatty ... sausages, bacon, etc. Try to eat leaner proteins e.g. chicken, fish, lentils/beans

    3) I see very few fresh fruits and veg. Try loading up on the fruits and veg ... and especially veggies.

    4) Try to eat a bit "cleaner" ... steering away from highly processed foods and stick with things that are more in their natural state ... or as close to that as possible.

    You can do this! It's not "just math" though ... like some people say. WHAT you eat (and drink) does make a difference as your body metabolizes different types of food differently.

    Try making adjustments until you get into a groove that works for you!

    ^^^ right on there. I have always avoided pastas and breads because it only takes a short time to start gaining weight when eating a lot of them, even when working out regularly.

    Two suggestions to help a bit more:

    One, invest in an inexpensive food scale. You will be amazed how much you underestimate what you think you are eating. Once I got one I was finding I was sometimes eating two servings instead of what I thought was one. It helps keep you on track by keeping you honest, even though you were never lying to yourself in the first place just misjudging. After a short period you start making much better estimates. I even go so far as to pull out the TB measuring spoon when I am adding salad dressing.

    Second, invest in a decent weight scale that also measure body fat percentage. This helps more if you are working out, but you can see other things. I am in the recovery week of Insanity and I have only dropped 10 lbs, but my body fat has dropped nearly 5% and the scale also let me know that my muscle mass went up as well. Those two numbers are much more important than the weight measurement. Body measurements help too in this regard.