McDonald's is good for you.



  • Joethebull
    There is a documentary where a guy tried losing weight by only eating fast food(he succeed). The Documentary movie is called Fat Head. Too much of the fries will cause problems though. That usually is my weakness.
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    so I shouldn't eat my Egg McMuffin's.....Oatmeal, Big Mac's,, take all the fun out of living why don't you. Yes it's fast food....just deal with it, account for it in your plan and enjoy. When I want a burger...i want a freakin' burger, not a trip to the farmer's market for granola.

    You are welcome to fit them into your plan but the question the OP asked was if the burger was healthy, which it's not.

    Also, comments like this really make me feel that our society is way too obsessed with food. Avoiding fast food really shouldn't "take all the fun out of living" for anyone. Life isn't about food! :)
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    There is a documentary where a guy tried losing weight by only eating fast food(he succeed). The Documentary movie is called Fat Head. Too much of the fries will cause problems though. That usually is my weakness.
    Ha, i just watched that one last night! That movie is total BS! He tries a one month, unsustainable, calorie-restriction diet, and then claims high cholesterol is good for you. Hilarious stuff, but total BS.
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    Well, there's good, better, and best. A McDonald's cheeseburger is probably a good fast food option when you can't make your own food. The cals are in control because it's a small portion, the protein is okay but sort of low for a meal. The saturated fat won't ruin your day if you keep your other meals in control. BUT the white bun is not the best choice as it will entice your body to store fast, and you may not stay full for very long if you don't get a side salad in there too.

    If you could choose a homemade sandwich on whole grain breast with fresh chicken breast and a side of fresh veggies, that would be BEST. But if you have to make a fast food choice, it's good to know that this isn't the worst thing you can do.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    McDonalds, and every other fast food chain is perfectly fine. It is about your food choices while there.

    Despite popular belief, it is not that the food is "unhealthy", its that people GORGE themselves on it.

    While not exactly a health food, it is not toxic waste that will kill you.

    French fries and soda are the things that really jump up the calories in meals at fast food joints. The sodium levels are rather high, but they are high ANYWHERE you go unless you prepare it yourself at home. So, you cannot knock them for that.

    And ANYONE that cites the Supersize Me documentary as evidence of it being bad for you really needs to take a look at his methodology again. Completely unrealistic and poorly conducted.

    Anyway, enjoy McDonald's. The cheaper things on the menu typically has the fewest calories.

    People gain weight due to calorie surpluses, not because they smelled a hamburger at a fast food joint.
  • eat the burger
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    Chazz Weaver, in "Downsize Me," exposed Morgan Spurlock, director of "Super Size Me," as an intellectual fraud.

    Simple mathematics.
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    Read this three times: You can't wipe out the damage that a Big Mac and fries with a large cola does with any amount of exercise." - Robert "Tough Love" Kennedy
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    it's not necessarily calories, but what the calories are from (same goes for fats). Super processed food, such as mcdonalds, is bad for you.. your body cannot use this as fuel, it will just slow you down. If you want a cheeseburger, make it at home with meat that isnt full of a bunch of antibiotics, make it from real cheese, try a gluten free bun, ect

    Gluten free buns don't do anything for people who don't have a problem with gluten. In fact, many gluten free items are very processed.

    OP--eat the McDonalds. It is NOT going to hurt you. Everything in moderation.