The sacred heart diet

Hi guys
so i was thinking of trying the sacred heart diet
apparently you can loose up between 10 and 17lbs in 2 weeks
what do you guys think?
Has anyone done it or known anyone that has? Or if you haven't heard of it could you google it and give me your oppinions?

Thanks guys xxx


  • CarlaC78
    CarlaC78 Posts: 30
    I've done it a few times... I wouldn't recommend it though and wouldn't do it again!

    I felt dizzy and sick and you get bad wind lol. I even had aching hips :O

    You do lose the weight but it comes back on really quickly unfortunately. Its much better to just stick to the way MFP works even if it is slower because you wont get the weight back this way.

    The diet was designed for obese people to drop pounds fast for heart surgery but its only meant to be done for a very short time. If you do decide to do it then make sure you see your docter first because its so low cal and you can get into real trouble on it.
  • janenightingale
    janenightingale Posts: 55 Member
    Don't do it

    Not sustainable and most of weight loss will be water. Read this
  • stephvaile
    stephvaile Posts: 298
    The diet also bears a striking resemblance to the cabbage soup diet.

    The Sacred Heart diet is a soup-based diet, and claims that you will lose 10-17 pounds in the first week.

    This may be true, but most of the weight will tend to be water – and will be gained right back very soon after the diet.

    This diet is very clearly an unsustainable fad diet, but is not as nutritionally unsound as similar diets. Most of these diets claim some magical fat-burning science is involved, or that there is something special about the combination of foods. This is simply untrue – it is nothing more complex than a reduction in calories!

    This diet is not recommended
    The Sacred Heart Hospital in Montreal Canada (Hôpital Sacre Coeur) issued a press release in 2004 stating that “no nutritionist at the Hospital took part in the development of this diet”.
    The American Heart Association have claimed that the diet is phony (ref).
    The Sacred Heart Medical Center also disclaim any association with the diet (ref).
    7 Day Diet Plan
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
    cant eat beef so i dunno what id sub, maybe pork or chicken instead but ima try it next week!