12 Day Cleanse...thoughts?



  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I won't be in the majority here, but my wife does this cleanse a few times a year, for 3 or 4 days at a time (not 12 days). And she loves it. She feels better afterwards and she says it's great for her sinuses. She doesn't necessarily do it for weight-loss, but more for the cleanse itself.

    Specifically what is she "cleansing"?
  • Aimlin
    Aimlin Posts: 6
    As long as you do not go with just water but add the sugars of the maple syrup or other juices during a fast you can go as long as 40+ days with no detrimental effect.

    hum... no. not enough protein. When the body is starved (which is what fasting amounts to), it goes for the fastest available source of energy - and that is not fat. That is muscle.
    Including of course the primary muscle that is the heart.

    That kind of diet is dangerous, should never be even considered without strong medical advice and medical supervision.
  • kidcole11
    kidcole11 Posts: 98 Member
    It sounds like a combination to make you throw up imo.
  • reggie2run
    reggie2run Posts: 477 Member

    eat right, work hard, period.


    Don't do cleanse!
  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    I did the Gaia Herbs Supreme Cleanse a few months ago. It was a two-week cleanse. You can still eat food, but they suggest cutting out all dairy, meat (aside from salmon), gluten, soy, chocolate, and a few others. They recommend eating a lot of fresh fuits and veggies, whole grains, beans, green tea, and more. It is organic, vegan and very gentle. It doesn't make you go to the bathroom much more or antyhing like that. I felt good while on the program. I actually have another kit for when I want to cleanse again. If you would really like to do a cleanse, I suggest trying this one.

    More info on this cleanse here: http://www.gaiaherbs.com/products/detail/79/Supreme-Cleanse
  • don't be a sucker
  • stephanieharmon
    stephanieharmon Posts: 19 Member
    Cleanses are good .. however that being said too harsh of a cleanse can actually harm your body. You want something that you are still able to eat and not starve yourself, not harsh, and does not make you sick. I did a 7 day cleanse about a month ago .. was able to maintain my calories of 1250 daily. I had so much energy during the cleanse, my skin cleared up (not bad to begin with), dark circles under my eyes went away .. I felt amazing !!! The product said you could lose up to 10 pounds in the 7 days, I lost 4, but the rest of the results of how I felt were well worth it !!!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I stay away from anything with the word "cleanse" in the title.
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    No. The master cleanse as it is called will do nothing but make you lose water and muscle. Your body must have amino acids to keep or make muscle. If you lose muscle it will lower your BMR, that means you cannot eat as much food and that sucks.

    Your body does a mighty fine job of cleansing itself. It does not need this and whatever health claims they have is bunch of crap and any person with any nutritional knowledge will tell you that.

    Want to lose weight? Count calories. Want to kick it up a notch? Cut carbs. But DO NOT cut out your protein it will only hurt you in the long run.
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 183 Member
    I have a friend who did Mastercleanse for 10 days. She said its amazing to see what you can eliminate out of your body even after 10 days of only liquids.

    I find this incredibly hard to believe, and I suspect so would my internist.

    I'm not really talking about solids though, just that the eliminated stuff is still...how should I put it... still unclean. It should take you a couple of days to eliminate everything though, and mind you, I am not into enemas so Mastercleanse seems acceptable to me, its not like you do it as a lifestyle or repeat more than maybe every 6-12 months.
  • WandaVonDunajew
    WandaVonDunajew Posts: 183 Member
    I have a friend who did Mastercleanse for 10 days. She said its amazing to see what you can eliminate out of your body even after 10 days of only liquids.

    So you don't have a liver and kidneys, then?

    I meant out of your intestines. I still feel like cleaning out everything in your digestive tract is a good idea. Nobody says you have to do it for 10 days, a couple of days of fasting is beneficial for your health and that is a proven fact. Muscle loss will NOT appear in those couple of days of fasting due to lack of protein and the maple syrup ensures the calories per se. As long as you have a balanced diet afterwards and dont stuff your face with crap, you'll be fine, The cleanse isnt there for fat loss, its there for cleaning your colon. Or just get an enema and be done with the whole shebang in a couple pf hours. Personally, I prefer the cleanse.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member
    I did this. I hated it. I lasted 10 days. I had terrible stomach aches all the time, kept dreaming/hallucinating about solid food and my hand hurt like hell because of all the lemon squeezing.
    Also my tongue got bald and my taste buds kinda died (they came back later though thank God!).
    I put on all the 9lbs I lost and gained more.
    The salt water flush was probably the worst. I wouldn't wish that kind of painful explosive diarrhoea on my worst enemy, ok maybe I would, but I digress.
    This stupid "cleanse" costs a lot of money!! The grade B maple syrup is EXPENSIVE. You go through the bottles pretty soon.
    Take my advice, you do not need to cleanse anything from your body. Your body does the job just fine. Just eat 2-3 fruits a day for that extra "cleansed out" feeling!
    I've tried every fad diet out there and this is the only thing that works: eat well, exercise and count calories.