Insanity dilema - Help / Advice needed

Hi all,

I need some advice... iv been raring to start this work out for a while and finally did my first 2 days yesterday. However from the reading around iv been doing today it seems there is a lot of emphasis on making sure that you stick to the 60 days in the correct order and if possible the nutritional plan.

My concern is iv got a busy few weeks where im traveling on the weekends and have some days where I have some fasting that i want to do....

I was going to alternate between insanity and my other lower intensity work outs such as the Xbox Yourshape work out as well as my cross trainer / eliptical trainer and free weights....partly due to wanting variation and not wanting to burn out and injure myself - seem to do that a lot!!! also coz im going to be away from home so will not really be in a position to work out on those days....

Should I just carry on with the above combo working through each day as and when I can and then redo the whole workout again once i get 60days free...?


  • BeantownSooner
    That's completely fine and if you haven't been active recently might be a good thing to work up to it. Just manage your expectations as the closer you follow the plan the better the results. It is intense so zero reason to not see any results. Also, if you plan to look like the people on TV remind yourself that they've likely done Insanity several times.
  • Leanalgreen
    Leanalgreen Posts: 36 Member
    The emphasis on doing it straight through is because it is designed to always keep you improving. Another reason is the fact that to attain any goal you must stick to and commit to it. With that being said, you would still be sticking to your goal if you do a differed.t workout instead once in a while. I just got done with Insanity and I had a total of 3 weeks throughout the 60 days that I had to miss and I still lost 20 lbs. Just make sure you don't let your busy schedule keep you away from all workouts. It's important to do something even if it isn't insanity.
  • munty76
    munty76 Posts: 47
    Thanks both for the response. I think im just over thinking this a little. I also take your point about managing expectations.
    As this is the first time doing this i dont know the routines well enough to maximise them and also not able to complete all reps in each set.
    But like you say its all geared towards improving so what i do is gotta be better than sitting on my *kitten*.

    Iv completed day5 yesterdy and that really stressed me, had cramp / side stitch for most fo the work out so kept having to stop.
    One more day and then i get a day off woo hoo!

    ill see how next week goes, may take a week off as its our anniversary and also get through some of the fasting i want to do and then pick it up again