New chic who is a mom that works full-time.

I'm new to the site as you can tell. My g-friends turned me onto this site. so I thought I would give it a try. I'm hoping to reach my goal w/ some support as there is lil' at home. I work full-time & take care of 5 kids. Some times there is drama in the house which causes stress due to 3 teenage girls sharing one bathroom! lol
Anyways,we are out-doors pple. we indulge in riding dirtbikes & four-wheelers rain or shine.
I like walking, hiking, rollerskating, bowling, dancing & peddle biking.

a typical day for me is:
my day starts at 4am w/ a cup of coffee.
signaficant other out the door by 5am.
get girls up at 5am/boys up 6am
I leave for work & put kids on bus by 7am
I usually eat lunch at 11:30am
I get home at 3:45pm/ kids@4pm
run kids to pratice
dinner (by this time it's usually 7pm)

crazy???? yep but, even though it can be overwhelming some days, I still love it!
Everyday is a new adventure.


  • run4yourlife
    run4yourlife Posts: 379 Member
    Hi there,
    I too am new to the site. I started about a week and a half ago but didn't introduce myself. To be honest, I started out great but have already disappointed myself. I thought that maybe by putting myself out there and finding one or two people to take this journey with me I would find some motivation and inspiration and all together we could accomplish our goals. Would you (or anyone else out there) be interested?
    I too am a busy Mom. I don't have an incredible amount of weight to lose but have been trying for about 3 years and been unsuccessful. I have a tendency to compulsively overeat and then my mind and emotions take over and I don't think clearly anymore, making very unwise food choices. To me, gaining control of my eating is more important than the weight loss, though I know I will lose if I made better choices.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    Welcome both of you! When I started here I had already been working out pretty consistently for 2 years, but I continued to gain weight. It was when I realized I wanted to lose some pounds for my wedding that I googled "calorie counter". Very luckily, I came to this site. Since tracking my calories and exercise, I realized that the amount of exercise I was doing along with the amount of calories I was eating was exactly the reason I wasn't getting anywhere. This site makes it so simple to see what you are and should be doing. The people here are great, full of information and so supportive.

    Good luck to both of you, and enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    I'm new to the site as you can tell. My g-friends turned me onto this site. so I thought I would give it a try. I'm hoping to reach my goal w/ some support as there is lil' at home. I work full-time & take care of 5 kids. Some times there is drama in the house which causes stress due to 3 teenage girls sharing one bathroom! lol
    Anyways,we are out-doors pple. we indulge in riding dirtbikes & four-wheelers rain or shine.
    I like walking, hiking, rollerskating, bowling, dancing & peddle biking.

    a typical day for me is:
    my day starts at 4am w/ a cup of coffee.
    signaficant other out the door by 5am.
    get girls up at 5am/boys up 6am
    I leave for work & put kids on bus by 7am
    I usually eat lunch at 11:30am
    I get home at 3:45pm/ kids@4pm
    run kids to pratice
    dinner (by this time it's usually 7pm)

    crazy???? yep but, even though it can be overwhelming some days, I still love it!
    Everyday is a new adventure.
    Welcome to MFP! It is a great site to use for logging your daily food intake and for moral support along the way.
    Looks like you have a pretty fast paced day, but the key to successful weight loss is taking some time for YOU. Just looking at your daily schedule here are some suggestions.....
    Eat breakfast with your coffee to kick start your morning and get that metabolism going, eat a snack in between breakfast & lunch and again between lunch & dinner. It's not good to go that many hours in between meals without food. Your body will just go into starvation mode for the next time you are going to deprive it of nutrition. I know what it's like to be rushed in the morning, I have 2 young daughters who HATE getting up in the morning. My typical breakfast is usually on the go, I eat one pack of oatmeal, and a yogurt with a banana as a mid morning snack. My lunch usually consists of a ham, chicken or turkey sandwich with a granola bar and then for a mid afternoon snack I usually have some crispy minis or an apple or something along those lines. That usually leaves me with about 300-500 calories left for dinner, and of course if I work out that would increase and I would usually have a light snack after my work out and my protein drink. It might seem like you are ALWAYS eating, but you really have to make time to eat in order for your metabolism to burn the fat.
    Drink no less than 8 cups of water a day to flush out your liver, it will help burn the fat in your midsection as well. Try to work out at least 3 times a week.
    They say that weight loss is 20% excercise and 80% diet. You can work out 7 days a week, but if you aren't making the necessary changes to your diet you won't see any changes.

    Hope I didn't overload you with info, but I just want to pass along the knowledge that I've learned over my past year of weight loss.

    Good Luck!! :wink: