30 something pounds lost, no difference to fat belly



  • MamaWannaRun
    MamaWannaRun Posts: 273 Member
    Just keep doing what you are doing. Perhaps add some pilates, or other core work. I would say it is coming - I find where ever on my body I want it gone first....ends up being the last place I lose. Don't give up - 30lbs is fantastic!!!!! Good job, be proud!!!

    This to the millionth power.

    Agree with the ladies above whole hearted ly.. and I can see a difference.. YOU GOT THIS! Keep it up!
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    LIsten... First..congrats you are doing amazing.

    However...the fat leaves the body in its own order.. ..unfortunately. Last year..I lost the 30 pounds I am trying to lose again now (another story)..but what I found..is that when I lost that weight...my muffin tops...back fat... all of it was gone. For years ..I always thought those issues where just part of my body build. not true.. I just never lost ALL my weight. And the last to go..is where you gain it first...

    So, your belly will go..as you keep with your program and lose all your weight.
  • trishgrace
    trishgrace Posts: 279 Member
    I can most definitely see the difference. Good job and keep it up!
  • ShayCampau
    ShayCampau Posts: 17 Member
    Yeah for you! Good job on the weight loss! It is so discouraging to not see change but don't quit! I agree with the above comments about strengthening your core. Belly fat is SO hard to lose as you will lose fat everywhere else first it seems. Interval training to build muscle and increase cardio stamina will help burn fat even when not working out. Perhaps check your sodium intake as well. Also your posture can make your middle seem larger too. Shoulders back my dear and finally where are you losing the inches? Focus on that (you are measuring right?) and see what is improving. You probably have awesome legs! Whatever you do though, don't give up, it will come. :)
  • beezsk
    beezsk Posts: 1
    Having been 200lbs and sitting at 145lbs now (6 weeks out from first bodybuilding show), I went from a gut to light 4 pack abs around 160, deep 4 pack around 150, and the last 5 pounds has revealed a shredded 6 pack. You're just not at a low enough body fat yet unfortunately, abs and *kitten*/legs are the last places to give up the fat. Keep motivated, keep pushing, you'll get there.
  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    I see a difference. I agree with everyone that you should start taking measurements and maybe add some core work to your workouts. Congratulations on your progress so far!
  • Your body loses fat from all over it, fairly equally. Which means that your tummy HAS gotten smaller, but so has everything else too, so it appears the same, but is smaller in relation to the size it used to be. As you keep losing, you will start to see a difference, just be patient grasshopper! Great job on the 30 lost!
  • I have the same issue with my stomach. There are 3 things that I have been doing to help me mentally with my stomach fat.

    1. Take measurements
    - At bra line (I hide fat here)
    - At belly button
    - From Belly Button to bottom of the fold (straight up and down)
    - At hips

    2. Create an excel document to visually see the decreases in my measurements

    3. Goal pants/dress/shorts
    - I have a dress and a pair of shorts that I try on once a month to gauge how fare I've come.

    I hope this helps!
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    Great job on your weight loss! =) And to me your tummy does look a little smaller! But core exercises such as crunches. sit-up, even yoga can help
  • dlashawn5
    dlashawn5 Posts: 28 Member
    Sometimes it is the diet, incorporate more fiber, fruit and veggies. Reduce your salt intake b/c it can cause bloating and drink more water. As a poster stated before, I often don't see any changes in my belly fat until later in my weight loss journey, yes I've done this before...LOL! However, this time, I want to keep my flat belly longer than a year, so along with exercise I must change my diet and drink more water (64 oz) a day. I eliminated the "white" foods such as rice,sugar and breads. I also incorporated more strength training and planks twice a week. That was when I began seeing the change in my belly fat....It is deflating slowly....but it is going away. I am not ready for cropped shirts and a belly ring...but I can actually see some of the abdominal muscles forming YAY! I hope this helps...
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    First - there sure is. Look how much NARROWER you are!

    Second, crunches will help.

    Third, my stomach seems to go through stages. It is round, but fine. I lose 5-8 pounds and it suddenly seems flabby. It is - there isn't solid fat there any more, there is lots of empty space where the fat used to be. Then I walk and a week passes, and I look way thinner. Then I lose another 5-8 pounds and my stomach looks and feels flabby again. It's missing all that fat that used to fill it up. A bit more walking and I look thin again. Repeat as needed.
  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    Mine is the exact same, my stomach has hardly changed a bit. But my legs, arms and face have quite a bit. I'm just thinking that it'll be the last thing to slowly go down with the rest of it.

    And congrats on the 30 pound loss. :)
  • Get an aerobics ball! Not only is it fun and bouncy, doing figure eights and crunches with it really isolate those abs and back muscles. I've had three kids and it has helped mean help build some awesome muscles that are slowly coming through. Also changing up your intensity to your workouts can help you shed more inches.
  • doneatfour
    doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
    I know how you feel. I've lost about 25 and i think my belly looks the same, too. In fact, I was just whining yesterday about the unfairness of it all. However, usually I focus on the little changes and not the overall look. What it looks like as a whole IS important, but can be disheartening. So, I look at things like how much my fat hangs over my underwear (is that the "apron" I've heard mentioned?), how much I can pinch at the side of my hips, and my measurements. When those go down, I know I'm progressing. I still have about 13 lbs of fat to lose, so I'm hopeful that the overall look will improve. I've started a strength training routine to hopefully cut body fat. It seems to be frequently recommended. I just don't see how it can cut down fat in that area, but I'll see how it goes. Can't hurt...
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 237 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! From what I see it looks like you have lost some inches in your stomach area. Just keep on moving and it will happen!
  • doneatfour
    doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
    Just saw your first pic so I can compare now...your waist-hip line is definitely smoother (no creasing!), and it looks like you have less of an overhang (the part that hangs over your pants when you have them pulled down like that). If you look at the sides of that overhanging part, it is flatter than in the first picture, so the middle part is still pronounced, but you can tell that you are losing fat at the sides of it. Those are the kind of thing I look for on my own body.
  • Ekoria
    Ekoria Posts: 262 Member
    If you're like me, my stomach is the last thing to go. It's slowly shrinking, but it has taken me longer to see more of a loss in my abs then anywhere else on my body. I lost inches with the 30 DS and loved it. I also incorporate more cardio, like Zumba and Hip Hop Abs to my weekly workouts to add more cardio since that really helps in losing the belly fat.
    ^Thiiiiis it wasnt until I had lost nearly 42 pounds that I noticed it getting ANY SMALLER! It is worth it though, don't give up, 30 pounds is amazing!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Awesome weight loss! I hope you have measurements because you must be smaller somewhere, if not in the belly.
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I do see a difference. I think it's just not apparent to you because you see yourself every day. Kind of like trying to watch a plant grow in real time. I understand because I am the same way. I know my belly must be getting smaller because the waists on my skirts are looser, but it doesn't *look* smaller to me because I won't consider it smaller until it's gone. :)

    A couple of weeks ago, I saw a friend who I hadn't seen in two months and she said, "You've lost so much weight!". I've only lost three pounds since the last time I saw her, but I've been doing more weight training, so I'm probably tightening up and it looks like big weight loss to her. To me, though, the changes aren't dramatic because I scrutinize myself every time I'm in front of my bathroom mirror.

    Keep doing what you are doing, because your body is going in the right direction.
  • dovek11
    dovek11 Posts: 94 Member
    Dare I step in here and suggest.... if you don't get the results you want from the diet you are on, you might consider reading the book WHEAT BELLY.

    I have always had a big belly, even when thin. This round losing weight, its been the first thing to go. I follow the advice in that book.