Wii Fit Free Step calories?

I did Wii Fit Free Step last week for 20 mins (which is how much time I have in the mornings, usually), 1600 steps, and it was just OK. So today, I increased the tempo to the max, and it continued for the full 20 minutes, but I did almost 1900, I think. But the exercise log counts Fit Step all the same.

How do I account for the higher number of steps & level of activity? I wish we could enter steps instead of minutes. Thanks!


  • lisanume
    lisanume Posts: 155 Member
    If you do not wear a HeartRate monitor, you should. it is about as accurate as you can get for calorie and fat burn. I picked up a NewBalance one for around 45.00 on sale (Kohls).
    when you enter your activity and it says how many mins, you can enter the correct calorie burn....

    Hope this helps.