Bowel issues...



  • chubtofit
    chubtofit Posts: 67 Member
    Doesn't sound like a good doctor if he told you once a week was ok. Just think of all the CRAP building up in your body when you don't go! What goes in must come out (or at least some of it)!
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    You look great by the way!

    Thank you very much! :)
  • spicyginger2006
    spicyginger2006 Posts: 70 Member
    water water water water water! i drink as much as i possibly can as soon as I wake up, and after moving around a little for about 30 minutes, I go. But i understand your problem as well, i usually only go about once or twice a week!
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    Doesn't sound like a good doctor if he told you once a week was ok. Just think of all the CRAP building up in your body when you don't go! What goes in must come out (or at least some of it)!

    I agree! That's why I find I thought his advice was odd so I am now posting to here... ugh so frustrating!
  • missnelso04
    missnelso04 Posts: 111 Member
    It's nice to know I'm not the only one! Helpful tips! Although I already drink at least 20 oz of coffee a day.
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Have you considered seeing a different doctor to get a second opinion?
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have the same problem. It is as though I have to overeat in order to get the food moving. I drink coffee, lots of water, eat veggies and fruit. I have just begun adding fiber powder to one of my glasses of water. Seems to help some.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Doesn't sound like a good doctor if he told you once a week was ok. Just think of all the CRAP building up in your body when you don't go! What goes in must come out (or at least some of it)!

    What are your qualifications?
  • jaj68
    jaj68 Posts: 158 Member
    I have been told that drinking a large glass of warm water right down is good. I don't know for sure.....a nurse once told a patient that I was caring for.

    What about that activia yogurt?
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    Have you considered seeing a different doctor to get a second opinion?

    I am thinking about it. My primary doctor referred me to him as others in my family have gone to him as well. It's just annoying. I will get the "urge" to go but I can't go!
  • hrtoftx
    hrtoftx Posts: 32
    Drink plenty of water. My daughter and I have figuered out that we have to drink LOTS of water through out the day to help. Especially right before you go to bed and when you first wake up. I also take a daily probiotic. Before I would go days without being able to go and then the pain would build up.
    I also use the coffee idea also.

    Good luck!!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Bowel obstruction, possibly?
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I have been told that drinking a large glass of warm water right down is good. I don't know for sure.....a nurse once told a patient that I was caring for.

    What about that activia yogurt?

    Tried activia... no luck :/
  • VanillaBone
    VanillaBone Posts: 119 Member
    You could try a low residue diet for a couple of weeks; it won't make you go more often, but it may make you feel better in between.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    The doctor ran a test were a swallowed a pill with clear rings in it and did 3 sets of x-rays. One right before I took the pills, 2 days after the pills, then 3 days later and the pills still never made it through my digestive tract!!!
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    A bowl of All Bran every morning will solve the problem. Bran is nature's intestinal scrub brush.

    I will second this! I add 30g of All Bran Buds to my greek yogurt in the morning. Its not as tasty as my fiber one brownie with yogurt, but I feel so much better. I started doing this after a recent bout of severe "omg I can't go and it hurts to move", and found out that my dad and aunt have similar issues (yay genetics) and my aunt eats bran each day.

    Also will agree with a lot of water and some good fats. If you eat a lot of fiber but don't drink enough water, it will bind you up too.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    if you use laxatives often they become habit forming as you shed healthy bacteria using this method, which just makes the problem worse next time.

    I would suggest:
    i. up your fat intake slightly (lubricates digestive tract),
    ii. take mineral oil.a TBS or 2 every few days (lubricates digestive tract), and
    iii. start eating a daily pro-biotic yogurt or Kefir.

    This!! Include oils (good ones like coconut, olive oil, etc) to your protein shakes if you drink them (1tbsp or so) and when you cook veggies put a little oil in them - You need the fatty liquid to help things 'slide' through....Also, use a natural laxative like metamucil every day...My grandma & aunts swear by warm prune juice - It really gets things going within 20mins or less!! Even if you don't like coffee, you may want to just grab a quick mochacchino or something that doesn't taste too much like coffee & even a few sips of it will get things started - guaranteed!! Many of these things combined on a regular basis should really help you get cleaned out!! For me, I drink coffee each morning which is why I swear by that & I have been a coffee drinker every day for 10+ years & it still helps...Another thing - If I don't drink enough water then the next day I have issues....Stay hydrated definitely!!!

    I hope some of this helps you out!! :flowerforyou:

    ETA: You should also cut out any food that get gooey when wet - Like bread (when it gets wet it gets all gooey) it turns into that goo in your stomach and it makes it hard for things to pass through....I can't think of other examples right now but you get the point right? :)
  • agonzalesjoy
    I have this problem big time. When you used to eat alot more and fatty foods, It is easier to go to the bathroom. But when you eat less and not as fatty of foods, it just doesnt push through as it used to. I either have to eat prunes or take Milk of Magnesia every other week. I hate it, but I hate the thought of food just sitting in there. Oh and coffe doesnt make me regular at all! I drink it everyday.
  • MichelleSawatzky
    MichelleSawatzky Posts: 44 Member
    I'm so with you...I also am LUCKY if I go once per week. If I don't go for a while I get really sick with diarreha and vomiting. At present it has been about 1 1/2 - 2 weeks for me right now. Oh sure I maybe have a little bowel movement once every few days but not like it should be. IF I drink lots of water and exercise/run regularly it isn't too bad. (I drink lots of water, but I haven't been running lately) Chocolate and junk food helps, but then I gain weight. I frustrating! I have been known to take Dulcolax also. I'm thinking about trying the flax seed oil pills that someone else suggested.
    I hope something starts "working" for you soon! :smile:
  • Annette_rose
    Annette_rose Posts: 427 Member
    Having had two exploratory surgeries from cancer where they took the intestines out of the my body and placed them back in, mine are totally screwed up. I have had a couple of scopes and they diagnose with IBS which seems a "catch all" term for anything they can't fix. They have told me I should switch to baby food to see if that will go through like it should. As it is, I have not tried the baby food, have pain every day and take generic Bentyl rx before each meal and still suffer. I have tried yogart, probiotics, and so many things it is crazy. Mine does the same thing whether I eat or don't eat and it is exasperating. I honestly understand your frustration. :sad: