When will I see something?

Jillian Posts: 88
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
So I'm back at it. This time with determination, but I find myself after 2 1/2 weeks becoming discouraged with not seeing any results! Is this normal? I am dilligent on my calorie counting and exercise. I went from no exercise to doing at least 30min of cardio everyday, and circuit training every other day. Am I being unrealistic in thinking that I should have seen at least 1 pond gone? My clothes should fit a little better already shouldn't they? I have a MINIMUM of 40lbs to lose. If I go by height/weight I should have 55-60lbs to lose, what's going on?


  • i know when i FIRST started, i lost right away. i got out of it and back in, and it took a while. i'd say i lost 2 pounds at the end of the 2nd week. i was super frustrated. but now into the 4th, i've lost...7? yea. and i'm bigger so i tend to lose quicker. give it time, just dont give up!
  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    are you sure you have accurately described your day job on the profile? i know i originally put my job as "very active," and the example was a food server. i got to thinking about it later and realized i'm probably just "active" like a nurse (i'm a teacher).

    when i readjusted, it dropped me from 1700 calories a day to 1500, so it made a pretty big difference.
  • with diligent diet and exercise, results should show in 2 weeks at the minimum. youre body is undergoing changes on the inside in that amout of time (you are starting to build endurance, you might not crave fatty foods as much, and maybe youre sleeping better.)

    If youre drinking enough water as well, in the two weeks youll be retaining a lot of that water and bloat, looking like you havent changed on the outside at all. But soon youre body will react and you will start to see a difference. The outside appearance will start to show soon enough. Just keep chugging and remeber; despite the lack of immediate physical change, youre doing your body good, and prolonging your life! i think thats better than trying to just lose the weight :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Calorie Counter
  • gynuwyne
    gynuwyne Posts: 132
    Hi Jillian, I feel your frusturation. I too am struggling. I have been back on track the last 4 months and very dilgent the last 2 months and still am struggling. I eat healthy and exercise and only lose 3 lbs but then gain that 3 lbs back and so forth.

    I beleive it may be the Weight Set Point theory to blame. http://medweb.mit.edu/pdf/set_point_theory.pdf

    I have kept up with the eating properly and started measuring everything and recently included Whey Protein after workouts and I finely saw the scale go down.

    It's a constant struggle and some of us have a harder time losing than others b/c our bodies want to hang on to the fat. If you stay dilegent I believe you will see results soon.

    If you give up and binge, you have to start all over getting your body used to the healthy food and lower calories so hang in there and continue your healthy lifestyle.

    Best of luck to you!
  • Thanks for your replys.
    I am going to stick with it, because I am doing my body good. I have been sleeping better, or easier anyway. And I'm not hungry or craving junk like I used to. I have been drinking lots of water, so maybe it's just gonna take some more time. I'll try and keep my chin up. But GEEZ 1 pound! PLEASE!
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