Best to eat before of after exercise?

I don't eat until I get back from exercising. Then I have my lunch that is high in protein with some carbs to help balance things out.

My sister disagrees with this wholeheartedly. She believes that this is entirely counterproductive. That I should eat before I exercise and I won't lose weight because I eat after my workout.

I do 60 min of cardio and 10 min of strength training 6 days of the week. Should I be eating after a workout? Not opinions, facts please.

And I'm not gonna fight with you. I only fight with family..because I know all their secrets. It's more fun that way ! :)


  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    If you have already lost 123 lbs, haven't you already answered your own question? (Congrats BTW)
  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    I have a better workout if I eat a whey protein scoop mixed with almond milk (i use silk 30 calorie unsweetened) right before hand. I still go home afterwards and enjoy a protein shake with lots of fruit and greek yougurt while I make my supper. Usually grilled fajitas or else mostly egg white omelet with low fat cheese and 1 piece of 45 calorie toast when I have my way ;)

    I know, everyone is against Dr OZ, I only catch him like once a month, or more realistic every 6 months. The one episode I did see lately said (with a demonstration) it is better to eat a soft food like yogurt or whey shake vs working out on an empty stomach. Supposedly burns more fat vs muscle by doing so. I can't remember why? But it gives me a little extra energy during my workouts, which are usually zumba, turbokick or a blend of p90x and insanity at fit club ;)

    I am not sure there is a right or wrong, just opinions and besides, weight loss is trial and error and we do'nt all have the same makeup! Keep up with what works for you! You are doing amazing :) Congrats!
  • ldipaolo
    ldipaolo Posts: 6 Member
    Right with 123 weight loss, I think you know what your doing. Its working out so I wouldn't change anything. I think everyone and their bodies are different so there is no right or wrong, its trial and error. What ever your doing is seems to be productive for you. Keep up the good work. I hope I can one day have a nice chunk of weight loss like yours.
  • ldipaolo
    ldipaolo Posts: 6 Member
    lol just said the trail and error thing too
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I eat before and after working out...because I'm a fatty.

    It's different for everyone. Some people can work out on a totally empty stomach, but I'd pass out within 5 minutes. I eat something small about 30 minutes before a workout (typically a piece of fruit or something) and then a protein shake after. I like to get something in my body post-workout, but usually eating doesn't sound very good so I drink a shake. Either one I make at home or I'll grab one from the gym on my way out.

    Whatever makes you feel your best and what helps push you through a good workout and helps your body recover best is totally up to you. If it ain't broke, why fix it??
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    You are still getting in your workout and still burning calories.

    You can do fasted workouts for a more direct burn. Which will burn your stored fat and not whatever food/fuel you have in your body at that time. I like to do this the day after a cheat day.

    You should refuel right after a workout. Idk how to post pictures, but I have a really awesome pic Ill add to my profile in a few. It tells you what you should refuel with. :)
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    She's silly.

    After workout is just fine, and probably better for most.

    If you always go into a workout having just eaten, the first thing burned is the food you ate, and since you likely kicked off insulin response, fat storage and carb burning mode are now on, so not even getting into the fat stores likely.

    Whereas if 2+ hrs from last meal, fat burning mode is on, and you should have plenty of carb stores to have a great workout (as opposed to morning workout after sleeping fast may have you low on stores).

    Nope, I think your idea is better. That way any carbs can top off glucose stores you just used, rather than being surplus that goes you know where.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I have a better workout if I eat a whey protein scoop mixed with almond milk (i use silk 30 calorie unsweetened) right before hand. I still go home afterwards and enjoy a protein shake with lots of fruit and greek yougurt while I make my supper. Usually grilled fajitas or else mostly egg white omelet with low fat cheese and 1 piece of 45 calorie toast when I have my way ;)

    I know, everyone is against Dr OZ, I only catch him like once a month, or more realistic every 6 months. The one episode I did see lately said (with a demonstration) it is better to eat a soft food like yogurt or whey shake vs working out on an empty stomach. Supposedly burns more fat vs muscle by doing so. I can't remember why? But it gives me a little extra energy during my workouts, which are usually zumba, turbokick or a blend of p90x and insanity at fit club ;)

    I am not sure there is a right or wrong, just opinions and besides, weight loss is trial and error and we do'nt all have the same makeup! Keep up with what works for you! You are doing amazing :) Congrats!

    So wish I could do a shake before hand!! It would be so much easier when I work out in the morning than making myself a small breakfast, but liquid/soft stuff pre-workout makes me SUPER nauseous. How long before you work out do you have your small shake?
  • terrisjr
    Right with 123 weight loss, I think you know what your doing. Its working out so I wouldn't change anything. I think everyone and their bodies are different so there is no right or wrong, its trial and error. What ever your doing is seems to be productive for you. Keep up the good work. I hope I can one day have a nice chunk of weight loss like yours.

    me too!
  • DENALI2017
    I think it depends on the situation and time. For example, I find it difficult to eat and then go jog/run for 45 minutes. However, when I weight lift, I am considerably weaker on an empty stomach. I tend to run/weight lift around 6am so it is difficult to eat a nice breakfast and then wait for an hour or two. So, I try to eat something light beforehand and then have my complete breakfast after. It actually works out well, because I try to eat every 3 hours and if I work out for 1.5 hours then I am close to that goal.

    If you were to exercise in the evening, you would probably have a fair amount of calories beforehand and then you could eat dinner after. Basically, it comes down to the individual.

    So, I also have a question? Do those that eat then exercise notice that they have more strength when they complete the full set (vs not eating and then exercising, particularly in the morning)?
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    Either way is OK. If you're energy is lacking when you exercise, and eating beforehand makes it better, then do it that way. If your energy is better without eating beforehand, do it that way instead.
  • TabbathaAnne
    TabbathaAnne Posts: 162 Member
    I put the pic on my profile pix. :) Hope that helps!!!
  • Mel1509
    Mel1509 Posts: 166 Member
    I was told by a beachbody coach - to do Insanity about an hour or so after I have eaten my largest meal of the day, which ever that one maybe..

    BTW Congratulations on your weight loss, what a huge accomplishment!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    So, I also have a question? Do those that eat then exercise notice that they have more strength when they complete the full set (vs not eating and then exercising, particularly in the morning)?

    I'll agree with that when I've done strength training in the am, I needed my normal post-workout snack first. Breakfast becomes the post-workout meal then.

    I can do a fat-burning zone cardio just fine on empty stomach, since already in fat-burning mode from overnight fast, but I better keep the effort low, or I can tell exactly when the low blood sugar hits which means I just used up the liver glucose stores, and I know I'll be breaking down a bit of muscle to keep those up.

    I think the difference with strength training is the rest time in between reps/sets, just lets the body realize it's hungry - where's my food after waking up!
    It's using the glucose already in the muscles, so that's not the problem likely.
    It's not fast paced movement in general walking around the gym, so not likely using carbs for just that effort.
    So not sure why, but I know some have no issue.
  • jjefferies7
    there's no such thing fat burning zone. working out fasted isn't going to make you suddenly burn your fat stores and no certain type of exercise does either. you lose weight through a caloric deficit. it really doesnt matter when you eat, do whatever you'd like.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have a little snack before because otherwise I'm hungry and don't feel good when I work out. I eat real food afterwards.

    Like others said, you know what you're doing. It doesn't really matter, anyway.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    I'm eating 5 times per day so generally, 60-90 minutes before I exercise, I eat something. Then within an hour of exercising, I eat something.
  • bekkaL85
    bekkaL85 Posts: 133 Member
    See..that's what I thought! Its totally up to the individual. I tried eating then gym, and even though I ate the usual amount and wasn't full, I felt really sick afterwards. Like lose your lunch sick. I make sure to stay in the fat burning range for my age/weight and don't feel any worse for wear other than being all sweaty and gross.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Just started looking at this topic.
    I've been going to the gym to swim after a light dinner. But that isn't always comfortable when swimming. Less so if I did something that sloshes around.
    There seems to be a fairly even split amongst "professionals" as to what is best.
    I guess I'll have to make myself a guinea pig and see how the no eating before works out.
  • tabatanut
    I think ideally you should eat only after your workout if your trying to burn fat unless you get a little nasuea from doing cardio on an empty stomach. I guess maybe if you were trying to build mass calories both before and after could help, maybe a bodybuilder could weigh in on this. I would think that for 85% of everyone out there having some carbs and protein afterwards is sufficient.