I fell off the wagon but im getting up and doing it this tim

crashlee21 Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
So my name is ashley and im 21 years old. I was on here in the summer and started loosing weight but then just stopped for some reason. i didnt really have support from anyone and i was doing it on my own but this time me and my best friend are hitting the gym at least 4 times a week and im making simple switches in my diet to help me get the weight off. :happy: .

Im starting school to become a personal support worker in january and i also am a nurses aid on the weekends. I am always tierd and sweaty while im doing my job and i want to make a change so that when im done my schooling i can walk up a flight of stairs or lift a persons legs into bed without being out of breath.

I didnt really think many people would care or support me but the other day on facebook i put my status to.... " just got back from working out. man i need a shower! but i feel good about the changes im making and cant wait to see the end result. cause i know i can do it!" i couldnt belive how many of my friends and family were commenting on my status telling me that THEY knew i could do it too! it really made me happy to know that so many people wanna see a change in me and cared about me also.

So to anyone reading this who doesnt think that they can do it or that they arnt strong enought just remember if i can do it so can you because the end result is worth every drop of sweat and every sore muscle in your body!


  • i know what you mean! i never wanted to bother anyone with my interests about weight loss or becoming more healthy, because i felt that they had their own issues they were busy worrying about, which is true.

    but i confided in one of my friends, and she was suprisingly supportive. and now, i have a workout buddy, which has grown to a group of 4! we all work out together, either in 2's, 3's or 4's, but the support is great. and now i feel myself pushing harder than i would have ever done before if i had been on my own.

    MFP definitly has helped, the message board posts from people like you remind me that im not alone :)

    we're all here for eachother!

  • Same! like me and my best friend are both overweight and she got a gym pass and then i did and now two of my friends want to get one as well. its awesome when you know you have people to count on.

    me and my bestfriend call eachother daily and are like what are you eating lets go work out lol.

    and i can always rant about it when i want to eat a cheeseburger but cant lol!
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