The Ten "Forgotten" Rules of Weight Loss - Hmm???

Received a very interesting ebook titled, The Ten Forgetten Rules of Weight Loss. It had some very thought provoking information.
Since I can't place all 12 pages of ebook on the message board, I will just give you the rules:
1. Don't diet (adapt to a new lifestyle change)
2. Put the scale away
3. Forget about targeting fat loss
4. Calorie quality not quantity
5. There is no magical macronutrient ratio ( intake of carbs to fats to proteins)
6. Eat enough calories to lose weight
7. Make small changes
8. Implement strength training
9. Weight loss doesn't occur in a straight line
10. Don't give up

What do you think?
We all know that weight loss is not one size fits all(You didn't? You do now! LOL!!!).
We all MUST FOLLOW RULE #10!!. We didn't put the weight on overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight.
Happy & Healthy Fitness To All!!!!!


  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I guess it varies by personal goal, but I'm much less interested in overall weight loss as I am about losing fat. I'm not sure ignoring macronutrient composition entirely is justified, especially if you're advocating strength training. But as I said, not everyone has the same goal.