Fitness for free/on a budget?

Hey ya'll!
I've started to do the C25k program (in my second week) and thankfully, there are many parks around me and I have free access to a very basic gym in my apartment complex.
But I've started my first real job, and sadly I have debt that eats up most of my pay, for now (and this is whole other topic for a different website...). Aside from running, what are some free/inexpensive workouts I can do? At the gym, there's a simple 3 sided weight machine and some hand weights. I loathe the elliptical but I can go on it for a little...

I live on the 3rd floor too, so in-home workouts like Insanity are out of the question (I don't want to get kicked out)!

And by inexpensive, I mean I don't even have extra money to buy a kettlebell. :X :(



  • Matt120182
    I managed to find a good mountain bike on ebay for £12 and have now become addicted to cycling. You can take it at your own pace and see some fantastic scenery as well!! Now I know I love it I can look to save up and upgrade as well.
  • Pspetal
    Pspetal Posts: 426 Member

    No equipment needed and no jumping and stamping around except maybe a few burpees.

    Jillian Michael's 30 day shred is on youtube too. There's a few jumping jacks and jumpropes but you won't be jumping/making enough noise to get kicked out at all.
  • ndblades
    ndblades Posts: 233 Member
    Pilates - you should be able to youtube a video or two on it. Not an intense cardio workout - but great for core strength and toning. Also go back to the basics - squats , lunges, pushup and dips -- all you need is you - and a chair for the dips! Mix that in with your C25K.
  • starcyndycyn
    Pilates! :)

    amazing videos here:
    tons of free classes here, too :
  • g4genn
    g4genn Posts: 58 Member
    do crossfit on ur own modify with what you have on hand.