Trail Mix Ideas

Hey ya'll :)

I am going on a family vacation on Saturday for a whole week. I know my Mom will probably bring lots of yummy treats and although I may have a few, I am trying to bring some snacks of my own that are easy to put together and good to snack on. What do you guys usually put in your trail mix? I'm trying to keep it low-cal and yummy!

Or if not trail mix, any other great ideas to bring with me?



  • dbernst3
    dbernst3 Posts: 10 Member
    My favorite trail mix that I make is: Walnuts (unsalted, raw pieces and wholes), Cashews (Unsalted, raw), Almonds (unsalted, raw), dried unsweeted cranberries, raisins (or dried apricots), banana chips (unsweeted). I usually buy all my ingredients at Trader Joe's.