new and kinda confused....

Hello Everybody,

Im confused with the whole calorie counting thing..what am I doing results are slow..i wrkout at least 4times a week (( high intensity cardio)..i make sure i burn a minimum of 700cals..i make sure i dnt go over my daily amt of calories..which is 1500....sumtimes i end the day with 200-300 cals to spare..i guess my question i not eating enuff..are you supposed to eat your net carbs back..have i hit a plateau? ..i can say that ive been eating healthier..i just think im doing sumthn wrong..any ideas or suggestions??


  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    Well a couple of things to start. What are your results? How much have you lost and what is the time frame. Also, that amount of cals burned sounds fairly high. Some of my larger male friends on here are doing Insanity and they don't burn 700. Are you using a heart rate monitor?