Hello from CT!

I'm not exactly new to the MFP world, but I am new to the forums.
A little bit about me:
My name is Nicole, and I'm currently working towards losing about 65 pounds (Hopefully more), most of which I gained during pregnancy. I was fit and active before getting pregnant, in fact I worked at a fitness center, but despite that I managed to gain a lot. I had a difficult recovery, but in January I started back at the gym. Despite portion control, major diet changes, and working out, I have seen almost no loss. I saw a doctor a few weeks ago who suggested I needed to take in more calories, which I started doing. I'm waiting for the results of blood work I had done, and currently she has me keeping a food diary to see where I might be going wrong.
I recently lost my gym partner to grad school, and now I'm trying to find a new one to help keep me motivated and to kick my butt into gear when I'm slacking off.

That's about all, I look forward to getting back on track!


  • gerwienb
    Hi CT! I am a CT Chica too. I just joined yesterday, and am already loving how this site works. So if you want to be buddies I would love that too. I used to work out all the time and was really in shape, but I fell off the wagon hard. I want to lose about 75 lbs, but I am taking it 20lbs at a time. I don't want to overwhelm myself with trying to focus on that big number. My workout plan is to walk 6 mornings for 45 minutes, one spin class a week and a resistance class. I am also going to try to walk 30 minutes on my lunch hour. So it would be great to have someone motivating me too.