Just found this site and want to get started with new group?



  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    Welcome to you, jennlabori!!!
  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    Just thought I'd check in to see how everyone is doing :flowerforyou:
    Personally I am doing well and feeling great...I hope this goes for the rest of you!!!
    Keep up the good (hard) work :drinker:
  • I've been great, feeling good, though pretty beat the last two days, maybe because of the heat? I've taken off from exercise and am just trying to take it easy.

    How was everybody's weekend?
  • wolt98
    wolt98 Posts: 62 Member
    I would love to join also I started about a month ago but am now getting serious about tracking!
  • AUGGGGGH!! Hot damn, my morning interval jogs (or, better put, *kitten*-drags) have gotten SO MUCH HARDER since i changed my route to avoid the numerous dogs that, apparently, have a tendency to bite that live along my old route. The new route is all freakin UPHILL until i turn around and come home. I guess it's my fault for living in the mountains, but still it's making it really hard for me to progress to a higher interval which is sooooo discouraging. Plus, I can really feel the weak spots in each of my legs and how it's affecting my knees when I jog, I gotta start doing something more focused to balance that out. I keep telling myself that regardless of the terrain, it's going to take a long time to get back to the running shape I used to be in but I'm so impatient and I hate feeling so weak, unbalanced and slow. :(

    But enough with the venting! On the upside, it's a beautiful day, I love my new coconut shampoo, and I have a phone date with my moms tomorrow night!

    How's everyone else's day going?
  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    I would love to join also I started about a month ago but am now getting serious about tracking!

    Welcome to MFP & our little group :flowerforyou:
  • Just joined yesterday - would love to join your group too! New Mommy needing to lose weight...
  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    AUGGGGGH!! Hot damn, my morning interval jogs (or, better put, *kitten*-drags) have gotten SO MUCH HARDER since i changed my route to avoid the numerous dogs that, apparently, have a tendency to bite that live along my old route. The new route is all freakin UPHILL until i turn around and come home. I guess it's my fault for living in the mountains, but still it's making it really hard for me to progress to a higher interval which is sooooo discouraging. Plus, I can really feel the weak spots in each of my legs and how it's affecting my knees when I jog, I gotta start doing something more focused to balance that out. I keep telling myself that regardless of the terrain, it's going to take a long time to get back to the running shape I used to be in but I'm so impatient and I hate feeling so weak, unbalanced and slow. :(

    But enough with the venting! On the upside, it's a beautiful day, I love my new coconut shampoo, and I have a phone date with my moms tomorrow night!

    How's everyone else's day going?

    Well, now that you have successfully avoided one issue (dogs that bite), beware of another...wrecked knees! It is amazing that you get to walk/jog/run in the mountains, but just be careful running DOWN. This is what can put a huge strain on your knees. We want you to be able to continue your morning intervals, so be sure to keep this in mind :happy: But anyways, SO awesome that you sticking to it :drinker:

    Wish I was there...I could deal with the warmth :love: And coconut shampoo?! :love: :love: :love:

    My day is going well (diet/exercise wise). Pretty bummed that the school I teach at doesn't have today off, but the surrounding cities do. Ugh! That's okay though, I'll get through it :laugh:

    Well, have a great phone date tomorrow night and keep up the good work!
  • Teresa -- man, that is bags of *kitten* that oyu didn't get the day off yesterday! You got one off today though, right? I hope you did!

    I don't know what to do about my knees. I started swimming this morning, and remembered how much I love it. I'm thinking I might scale back the jogging (not completely, it's still fun, but take it down to only a few days a week) and focus more on my freestyle stamina and technique until I take a little more weight off, and there's less of me to hammer down on my sorry joints. One day at a time, though!

    Also, that coconut shampoo? Got it at wal-mart, Organix Coconut Milk shampoo (there's a conditioner and serum treatment thing too!) check it out :D
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