Need to lose 10st for fertility treatment!!

Hi Im new :-) im 22 and 19st or 266lbs and have basically been told I need to be Normal bmi so i can have fertility treatment so for my height 5ft I need to be 9st or 126lb. My nutritionist I have been refered to though says Im eating okay and is confussed at why I am very obese.

Suppose I just need help or advice to know what I can do to lose this weight as I dont want a gastric band but its looking likely.


BTW my periods are regular every 28 days, blood pressure and blood sugars are fine etc.

Also any tips for exercise? I cant afford a gym but I go on an hour walk about 3 times a week. I cant do anything more physical due to the weight grr.

Also my mum, granny and great granny (all same side of family) are obese and eat next to nothinv. Can it be genetic??


  • soontobeburns
    Seeing nutritionist again in the morning but according to my food diary I eat too little?! Will report back.

    Another quick q though sorry...

    I tend to eat about 1200 cals a day but thats 1 meal and snacks. Does it matter what food you get your cals from?