Logging Gum?



  • likeswhiskey
    yep, infact drinking water burns calories (50 cals per litre)

    So should we log water as exercise?
  • PaleoRDH
    PaleoRDH Posts: 266
    At first I was putting like 30 random calories under "snacks" because I chew an F* load of sugar free gum every day, always have. But I don't log it anymore......... I just 'know' i'm going to chew it. I never eat all of my calories, except once in the past 3 weeks, so i don't sweat it. That includes sugar free mints, etc etc etc
  • WinterLush
    I wouldn't log gum because it's only 5 calories and you're constantly chewing so you basically burned those 5 calories. Personally! If you're chewing a pack or more a day then i'd probably track it down but I wouldn't bother if it was only a few a day :)
  • Laner07
    Laner07 Posts: 100 Member
    I don't think you'd be chewing enough gum for it to really matter.
  • Ladyzumba
    Ladyzumba Posts: 217 Member
    A piece of chicken yes...a piece of gum? Ah not! Unless your chewing super sugary gum and eating
    several PACKS a day...I would not stress about logging it at all!