Adding calories burned from strength training to my diary?



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I know I'd tried looking for strength training under cardio before and didn't find it, but thanks to heybales I tried again and found some! Yay!

    jacksonpt- it's not that I'm strength training to lose weight, I'm strength training to become stronger. The problem is that I am usually STARVING when I'm done with it, more so than I seem to get from cardio, and I never know if I have any extra calories from it I can use for a bowl of grape nuts or something afterwards.

    Get ready!

    Guess which is usually better at fat loss.

    Wayne Westcott, Ph.D. conducted a study in which 72 over weight individuals participated in an eight week exercise program. The participants were placed in two groups. The first group performed 30 minutes of endurance exercise on a stationary cycle. The second group performed only 15 minutes of exercise on the stationary cycle plus an additional 15 minutes on weight resistant exercises. At the conclusion of the study, the "endurance only" group lost a total of 3.5 lbs.; 3 lbs. of which was fat and a half pound was muscle loss. On the other hand, the "endurance and weight resistive" group lost 8 lbs. with an actual fat loss of 10 lbs. and an increase of 2 lbs. of lean body weight.
  • rrtrino
    rrtrino Posts: 1
    Thank you! why didn't I think of that :).