Hello, Newbie here!

I'm 38 years old and mother to 3 wonderful boys. I have fibromialgia and bursitis so I have a lot of pain and achieness, among other things. I went to my dr to ask what I can do to help eleviate some of the symptoms without taking alot of meds, and to help my body cope with things. I would love to excercise but find it hard to make time, and get the ambition. I have alot of reasons to excercise (helps with fibro, role model for my family, health reasons) but still seems to make it hard.
I just finished going through physical therapy. I learned to do some stretches and a little bit of strenth training for my hips (worse place for me) and also saw a dietician today (gave me this website). I have a lot to learn and a huge amount of changes to work on with myself, and my family. My husband is a very picky eater, my oldest son has autism and has food avertions, and my middle son can be very picky as well. My youngest is like mom though, and likes to eat a little of everything. I'm really hoping to find others who are in the same boat as me and learning how to get healthier and fit. I'd love to loose about 50 lbs, but will just be happy to learn to eat right (on a very strict budget) and get my family on board as well. Thanks for reading and hope to meet some new friends!


  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    I would love to excercise but find it hard to make time, and get the ambition. I have alot of reasons to excercise (helps with fibro, role model for my family, health reasons) but still seems to make it hard.

    Hello and welcome to MFP! This is a great site with TONS of helpful folks. Im sure you will find others in the exact same boat as you. The quote above, you say you find it hard to make time. If doing it will help alleviate a bunch of symptoms, YOU MAKE THE TIME! No one can tell me they couldnt go for a 20-30 min walk each day. You have to choose to want to make this change, and believe that you can do it. If you dont, you will be fighting a hard battle. Good luck on your journey.
