Sweet tooth + cravings

Hello there!

I would like to know if anybody here have the same problem as me: I need to loose 20 pounds, I eat healthy lots of vegetable, coucous etc... but my main problem is sugar.

I have these crazy cravings for anything sweet and I really find it difficult to replace chocolate or ice cream by fruits.

For me it seems that my lunch or diner is not complete if I didn't eat something sweet enough. (Old habit since I'm a kid)

So did anybody succeed replacing those reffinated sugar by something else?

(I apologize for my english, it's not my first language)



  • valerieknox
    valerieknox Posts: 45 Member
    Make raw food desserts! I usually make raw food brownies (http://mynewroots.blogspot.de/2011/04/raw-brownie.html
    But I use almonds instead, any nuts will do. Even thought there are still a lot of calories in these desserts, at least there's lot of nutrition. And it's more filling. So just have smaller portions of your dinner and binge on some healthy cake ;)
  • valerieknox
    valerieknox Posts: 45 Member
    I've also tried making carrot cake with mixed white beans(cooked!) instead of flour. Didn't work well for chocolate cake, but the carrot cake was light and delicious.
  • gumbeaux58
    Sugar and mainly pastries was my downfall also. I went on a juicing, high protein, healthy fats diet. I make Mean Green Juice for my starter in the morning and then have another 8 oz later in the day. Have not had a single craving since. I do treat myself to 2 Dove Dark Chocolate squares when I am below my calorie goal for the day. But I have to think the green juice is the key. I'm getting so many micronutrients that my body doesn't want the carbs. Good luck.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    For the last few days I've been freezing protein bars and then eating them for dessert while hubby has ice cream. It hits the spot! It's a whole other thing frozen. You have to eat it super slowly!
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    I have a huge sweet tooth. I do not deny my cravings. I buy skinny cow candy (110-120 cal), frozen yogurt and just have a serving size (1/2 cup for 110-140 cal). I just make good choices and I keep about 150 of my cal for my sugar cravings. Hasn't affected my progress at all!
  • AShawneeF
    AShawneeF Posts: 123 Member
    i just made a shortbread cookie and a chocolate sauce to dip them in. a lot of sugar, but low cal and sooo yummy. betty crocker ftw!
  • naomi8888
    naomi8888 Posts: 519 Member
    I find this as well and unfortunately it's really hard to break a habit. However, I think it is just a habit and it needs to be broken. I have been replacing dessert with a cup of tea (with one artificial sweetener) and often that works OK. I think it's a matter of going a week or so without having a sweet dessert and you'll start to get over it. Well... in theory at least :smile:
  • whitneyas
    whitneyas Posts: 95 Member
    I am the same way! Would love to hear more suggestions!
  • afitch311
    afitch311 Posts: 8 Member
    Sometimes I pop a piece of gum for a sugar fix. Extra gum makes desert flavored gum, apple pie and orange creme pop are amazing!
  • khantigen
    khantigen Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for your answers!

    I also tried different tea flavor (chocolate-mint, it worked so-so)

    But definitely, I can't have dessert at home. I know it's called discipline, but since I work from home, is quite difficult to not look at the fridge from time to time lol!
  • mcsteenie
    I also indulge in a Skinny Cow ice cream Truffle bar from time to time. I also love those Fiber One Oats and Chocolate Chewy bars. If I have the sugar might as well indulge in some fiber as well.

    I do like to keep some 'Golden" frozen cheese blintz in the freezer for treats as well. I puree some fresh blueberries, add a sprinkle of Splenda and light Lucerne / Redi Whipped Cream or Tru Whip. And I feel very decadent! The protein fills me up, yet I get the sweet of the berries and cream. Win - win.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    You have a "sweet tooth" and carbohydrate cravings for a reason. The human is a natural fruit eater. Eat more fruit.
  • mcsteenie
    And hot tea with Splenda really works well, too. I agree, totally. And fruit helps too. Love grapes and strawberries.