~1500cal/day, feeling satisfied, but not losing weight!



  • yrhee
    yrhee Posts: 21
    Thanks for responding!! I'll look into getting a more accurate read on BMR, because so far I've only ever used the online calculators which seem to only account for a few variables, and are pretty much "one-size-fits-all".

    It is possible I am overestimating my exercise calories burned, but I am aware of this and do not rely heavily on my exercise equipment calorie counter. If the treadmill says I burned 450 calories, I record in MFP as burning 80% (about 350-360 calories logged) because I am in decent physical fitness, am not overweight. If I go on a 45 minute walk, I will record 3.0mph walk for 35 minutes in MFP, not the full 45 minutes. I do not include any calories burned from strength training, which I would think would amount to a good amount of calories burned since I with 10lb weights (which isn't HEAVY, but still...)
  • KALMdown
    KALMdown Posts: 211 Member
    Could you be overestimating your calories burned? I know a lot of machines that track calories are generally way off. I use a website that takes sex, age, height, and weight into account and then just to be safe I lower those numbers just a tad.

    ^this. How are you tracking your calories burned? MFP and some HRMs run high, My Timex HRM included. So I now enter my calories burned at half of what my HRM tells me and if I use the MFP I subtract about 1/3-1/2.
  • LiZzie1917
    I'm not sure what is in that Mrs Dash but I would stick to natural foods. You might have some food intolerants that could be causing inflammation. Try going Paleo..... It's a cure all. For me it was anyway. I was alergic to everything and couldn't lose at all. Once I went Paleo/I F, I've lost 21 lbs.
  • painauxraisin
    painauxraisin Posts: 299 Member
    bumping for later!
  • LiZzie1917
    Also, If you have hypothyroid and on thyroid meds, you might want to avoid the soy. I understand it hinders the thyroid medicine from work g properly? I'm no Dr. Just a passion for nutrition. If you consider Paleo, you might have to lose the dairy and oats which were two of my problem foods.
  • yrhee
    yrhee Posts: 21
    I have not been diagnosed with a thyroid problem. I got a message from someone suggesting my protein might be too high...I'm thinking this could be it since I recently upped my protein intake about 20g in the past few weeks and that's really when I started gaining the weight now that I think back!

    I've considered going paleo, but don't know if I could get rid of oats or tortillas! Dairy would be just fine for me since I used to be vegan, and really only overload on the Greek yogurt because it has sooo much protein. I do not drink milk. Plus, I don't eat meat and from what I've read, grass-fed beef and meats are a big part, right?

    Mrs. Dash is garlic, "onion, black pepper, parsley, fennel, basil, bay, marjoram, oregano, savory, thyme, cayenne pepper, cariander, cumin, mustard, rosemary, celery seed, carrot, orange peel, spice extractives". Nutrition label has 0s all across the board. Are any of those spices irritating/problematic? I have no idea.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    I think it may be that you are either overestimating calories burned or underestimating calories taken in. Mrs. Dash should be fine. We recommend it to those who want to lose weight and/or need cardiac healthy diets. I would still track sodium though since some foods are naturally high and it isn't just added salt that is an issue.
  • norcal_yogi
    norcal_yogi Posts: 675 Member
    If you have a metabolic testing center nearby, call and ask about scheduling an Active Metabolic Rate test or Resting Metabolic Rate test. The estimation for BMR value you are getting from various TDEE equations may be off compared to reality.

    this. and the cals you are eating could be very close to your specific maintenance. you could also consider IF.
  • yrhee
    yrhee Posts: 21
    What's the recommended mg for sodium? I'm averaging about 1700mg/day.

    I've read up a little on IF, and don't know where I stand on the issue. Mark's Daily Apple had an article on it a few weeks ago, suggesting it may not be as beneficial for women as it is for men!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If anything, sometimes I feel like I have over-eaten.

    Because you are!

    Being at 1500 or 1200 calories is great and all, but if you are eating most of your calories in one sitting (dinner) then you are causing your metabolism to go into shock!!!! And what is this garbage about you skipping lunch???

    I have a suggestion for you, go to your categories and chance them to the following: 1st meal, 2nd meal, 3rd meal, 4th meal, Snacks, Sweet Tooth... Now, you may never use 4th meal but it exists in the event that you get hungry again and have a "meal".

    A meal is any food you eat that includes protein. You should have a balanced "meal" every time you eat. Zone diet people will say 30% carbs, 30% fats, 40% protein; I say the best ratio is 50% carbs (25% coming from fresh veggies), 30% fats, 20% protein. Only a person who IS exercising should eat more protein. But if you are living a mostly sedentary life then you are wasting your calories eating all that protein (which is high in calorie).

    Also, next time you grab a "sugary" carb, remember that your insulin level is going to go up if it has a high glycemic index value. All breads, chips, crackers, tortillas, and processed foods have a high glycemic index value; this means it causes insulin levels to go insanely high. And while there is insulin in your blood, your fat in your fat cells cannot be burned.

    I know the food pyramid and the "myplate" both want you to eat lots of grains, but try living without them for a week (this includes corn) and see how things go for your weight loss. You may be surprised how much more energy you have getting your energy from brocolli, carrots, apples, green beans, and peas.

    What are you talking about? The main things that are incorrect are:

    - Meal timing is irrelevent intra-day and so is macro timing from an intra day perspective (related to weight loss - personal preference is relevent)
    - Protein spikes insulin as well - and it is all pretty much irrelevent on a deficit
    - Protein is 4 calories per gram and is very satiating, so not wasted at all and still necessary to a sedentary person (but I agree not quite as much as for an active person)
    - Macros should be based on g per weight, not percentages.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I have not been diagnosed with a thyroid problem. I got a message from someone suggesting my protein might be too high...I'm thinking this could be it since I recently upped my protein intake about 20g in the past few weeks and that's really when I started gaining the weight now that I think back!

    I've considered going paleo, but don't know if I could get rid of oats or tortillas! Dairy would be just fine for me since I used to be vegan, and really only overload on the Greek yogurt because it has sooo much protein. I do not drink milk. Plus, I don't eat meat and from what I've read, grass-fed beef and meats are a big part, right?

    Mrs. Dash is garlic, "onion, black pepper, parsley, fennel, basil, bay, marjoram, oregano, savory, thyme, cayenne pepper, cariander, cumin, mustard, rosemary, celery seed, carrot, orange peel, spice extractives". Nutrition label has 0s all across the board. Are any of those spices irritating/problematic? I have no idea.

    Your protein is not too high at all.

    You will have a very hard time with paloe if you do not eat meat. You also need to give up dairy so you will also have a hard time getting enough protein (not saying it is impossible, just hard).
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    If anything, sometimes I feel like I have over-eaten.

    Because you are!

    Being at 1500 or 1200 calories is great and all, but if you are eating most of your calories in one sitting (dinner) then you are causing your metabolism to go into shock!!!! And what is this garbage about you skipping lunch???

    I have a suggestion for you, go to your categories and chance them to the following: 1st meal, 2nd meal, 3rd meal, 4th meal, Snacks, Sweet Tooth... Now, you may never use 4th meal but it exists in the event that you get hungry again and have a "meal".

    A meal is any food you eat that includes protein. You should have a balanced "meal" every time you eat. Zone diet people will say 30% carbs, 30% fats, 40% protein; I say the best ratio is 50% carbs (25% coming from fresh veggies), 30% fats, 20% protein. Only a person who IS exercising should eat more protein. But if you are living a mostly sedentary life then you are wasting your calories eating all that protein (which is high in calorie).

    Also, next time you grab a "sugary" carb, remember that your insulin level is going to go up if it has a high glycemic index value. All breads, chips, crackers, tortillas, and processed foods have a high glycemic index value; this means it causes insulin levels to go insanely high. And while there is insulin in your blood, your fat in your fat cells cannot be burned.

    I know the food pyramid and the "myplate" both want you to eat lots of grains, but try living without them for a week (this includes corn) and see how things go for your weight loss. You may be surprised how much more energy you have getting your energy from brocolli, carrots, apples, green beans, and peas.

    Right...here we go with the bro science. And this is what's wrong with the "industry" Unfortunately it's 3 am and I'm about to go to bed. But just let me say that anyone reading this please just don't confuse yourself any further by paying attention to anything in this paragraph. Ok? Or just go to TheFitnessTutor.com and read around. New stuff coming soon, new site coming soon. Free giveaways, no there's nothing there you can buy!

    No more protein unless you're exercising? There are only three sources of calories, barring alcohol...metabolically, you would have them run more fat and carbs ???
    And protein...high in calories? did you just say that? Did you just sum up protein and vilify it??? This in and of itself should be cause to totally disregard your whole paragraph. Protein. it's 4 calories per gram, like carbs. 9 for fats.
    gci is not even worth discussing unless you have a disease.
    Yes we can do without grains. That was just some government crap to make you eat the subsidized farmers produce and keep getting votes, same thing with dairy. We're the only animal that thinks we should suck from the tit of another species, not to mention doing so when we're completely grown.

    Lets remember something here folks...losing weight is not something the body wants to do for one. For two, if it does want to do it, as soon as it does, it doesn't want to anymore. Know why? It doesn't care what you think is cute or acceptable or what t.v. magazines, media, or school has led you to believe or have even um...supposedly "taught" you...obviously. Metabolism goes into shock....hahaha....laughable.

    Hey op if I'm not back just inbox me... for crying out loud people.... MFP.....
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    What's the recommended mg for sodium? I'm averaging about 1700mg/day.

    I've read up a little on IF, and don't know where I stand on the issue. Mark's Daily Apple had an article on it a few weeks ago, suggesting it may not be as beneficial for women as it is for men!

    Your sodium levels are totally fine unless you have a pre-existing medical reason to be lower.

    How long have you been restricting calories for and how long has your weigh been increasing for?
  • yrhee
    yrhee Posts: 21
    You people are awesome :) Thanks for throwing your suggestions at me...I'm willing to try anything (within reason!). Sarauk, already messaged you. FitnessTut I'll message you tomorrow if you don't remember! Thank you!!
  • christinafadia
    A meal is any food you eat that includes protein. You should have a balanced "meal" every time you eat. Zone diet people will say 30% carbs, 30% fats, 40% protein; I say the best ratio is 50% carbs (25% coming from fresh veggies), 30% fats, 20% protein. Only a person who IS exercising should eat more protein. But if you are living a mostly sedentary life then you are wasting your calories eating all that protein (which is high in calorie).
  • christinafadia
    sorry i meant to quote that lol

    how is protein "high in calories" ????
    protein , same as carbs has only 4 calories per gram
    the only high calorie macros are fats which account for 9 calories per gram!
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    What are your stats...height, weight, body fat percentage if you have any idea, or describe your body.

    here's a hint. Your body doesn't need "carbs" to live. You only need protein and fats. Think about it...that's what you are. Do you see any carbs layin around your body? A few measly grams in your muscles and your liver and those can be gone in a matter of hours. We can make all the carbs we need. Replace your fruit with veggies and/or save your carbs, or most of your carbs, for after your workout, which shouldn't be too long or too hard if you're eating 1500 calories. If we were lost in the woods, I'd be looking for a rabbit or deer, not digging for potatoes and you'd gladly eat it even if you're with peta. Haha....

    Plenty of research supports these simple facts. And go get some fish oil stat. Not flax or flax seed, fish oil....go to wal mart if you have to.
  • katcunock
    katcunock Posts: 664 Member
    Thanks!! That is VERY true, after I work out I am always SO hungry and eat almost all calories I burned. I try to make sure it isn't over my daily allowance total, but I eat a disproportionate amount immediately after workout and try to tighten up at other times of day since I worked out.

    You should also make sure that you never exercise on an empty stomach,. Eat about half an hour before your work out, then you won't be so hungry after. Also drink a LOT during exercise and then have a big drink after. Our body sends the same sigal to our brains for thirst and hunger, so drinking lots will mean you know if you are truly hungry.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    500 calories of snacks on several days ? Try halving that. Exercise every other day. Don't eat before doing cardio as you use more fat if you're fasted.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    I may sound harsh but I'm truly a comedian. You'll just have to stick around til I start doing videos....

    1. I say there's no such thing as a "meal replacement"...I mean think about...pay for this and think you're not eating? Please, there's no need to waste money on naturade or whatever ever again. Eat as much real food as possible. Spend that money on some chicken or fish or steak and get some fish oil. And soy is totally overrated. Actually I wouldn't even eat it.
    2. Kill the bananas.... no need if you're trying to lose weight. Black beans, kale, collards, give you potassium. Not to mention whole meats. Unless you just love bananas. Try to hold off until after your workout. Cut bak on fruit period for a while if you can.
    3. Pretty typical. You're either afraid of meat, or can't afford it. Which one is it? Eat more meat, less carbs. Your liver is full and that in and of itself will make it harder to burn fat. I would shoot for no carbs or starches until after your workout. Don't want or know how to workout, just go walk for an hour. Carbs 100 grams or under for as many days as you can stand it up to 3 weeks. Meat and veggies, olive oil, good fats, avocados, veggies with your meats...While keeping your calories up. If you pull that off, you absolutely MUST have a carb load after there weeks. 3 400 grams of carbs or more.

    Yes this is all barring any disease or malfunction. Let us know if you have any. It's always a good idea to get your hormones checked. Chances are you just need to eat better and do something strenuous with your muscles, i.e. lift weights...to increase insulin sensitivity among other things.

    "carbs in the morning" yes if you want to run up your chance of craving carbs later. Again, you don't need them. Try to hold off on them until later. This will keep your liver glycogen low. Which is what you want right now. I don't do ratios. The 90's called, they want that outdated method back. Tell us your stats....height,weight, body type, percentage estimate or something or put a pic up. Chop your face off if you have to...noone cares. It's Mfp.

    IF is fine for a female...you lovely ladies just tend to get crazy, antsy, and try to workout too much to "lose weight faster" or you want to under eat for the same reason. It might be a good fit for you if you're not hungry much. I do IF most of the time now. Or full 24 hour or more fasts throw in, mixed up with every other protocol in the book.
    So what are your stats and your workout habits?