Friends motivate more! Will you be my friend?

I joined myfitnesspal a while back and use it on and off. I see the best results in reaching my goals when I am dedicated to using the application on my phone. I could really use some friends to help keep me accountable. I keep my log open when I update my day so that my friends can comment and give me suggestions & ideas. Think your'e up for that? I'm willing to help you too! :-)

My biggest goal is to drop about 20 pounds (the right way) and tone up my trunk area. I have never loved my body and I had a c-section with my son 13 years ago. Yup, I'm rockin the skin overhang the scar look. I've also had a few emotionally abusive boyfriends who felt the need to comment on how I'm "not as skinny" as the girls they like or that I "have a pretty face, but..." I know I shouldn't let their comments follow me years later but it is hard! I don't expect to have a ripped stomach but I'd like to feel more comfortable in my own skin.

It's funny, when I was in high school (and a dancer) I thought I was fat. When I'm a size 16 I think I'm fat. When I'm a size 8 I think I'm fat. It seems that no matter what size I am I feel my body looks exactly the same! Today I took "before" pictures of how I look now in my skivvies and tomorrow I am starting the 30 Day Shred. I hope I see changes... The "before" pictures are pretty bad :-(

Good Luck on reaching our highest goals!
