Bloodwork and Doctor questions

I am going to a new doctor today for a physical/check up. What kinds of things should I ask or find out about diet/exercise-wise? I know I am getting blood work (been fasting) but not sure what it will be tested for.


  • natwen
    natwen Posts: 81
  • melcowenfitness
    melcowenfitness Posts: 221 Member
    If it's part of a physical, they typically will do a blood count (white blood cells, red, hemoglobin, hematocrit,etc.) as well as check your cholesterol levels, blood sugar, etc. All will give you a pretty good idea of how well you're currently doing with exercise/nutrition and where you might need to make adjustments.

    In my experience, the primary care MD is not necessarily the best person to ask about exercise or nutrition unless you just want to know if you are healthy enough to start a particular workout program.

    What kinds of questions were you thinking about asking?
  • natwen
    natwen Posts: 81
    Not sure what I was going to ask really. Just wanted to know if there was anything specific that would help me track how I'm doing in my weight loss goals. Maybe blood pressure? Triglycerides?