More than 100lbs to lose

Hey all !!!!
This is not my first time trying to lose weight :embarassed: Most of the weight that I have to lose is actually from all the years of dieting. I have gained more and more each time. I am pretty sure some of you have experienced the same. In any case, I just want to connect with some prople that have the same situation as me. People that are trying to lose more than 100lbs because I have a hard time staying motivated and maybe if we can encorage each other it will work this time. Hope to hear from you soon! Good luck with the weight loss! :smile:


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Good luck! You can do this!

    I'm 25% of the way to losing 120lbs. I'm a part of a group here (in the "motivation and support" forum) called the Over 200 Club. The ladies in the group are AWESOME. And, since we all are (or started) over 200 pounds, we all know how overwhelming it can be. You should stop by!

  • spinningmango
    spinningmango Posts: 197 Member
    welcome to mfp!

    I agree with the above post.. you CAN do this :)
  • monajkm21
    monajkm21 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank you so much for the support. I believe I can do it as well. I am so tired of saying that I want to lose weight. I'm ready to change the station because that song is old.
  • jessicajoy87
    Hi, I'm Jessica. I'm trying to lose about 130 pounds. I have lost 17 so far. I feel so much better about myself already. I know that you will do awesome. I will be checking this everyday so if you need some motivation or just a friend I am here. I know exactly what this is like. This is not my first diet either. So I am here. God Bless!
  • monajkm21
    monajkm21 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow Jessica. I havent been on here in a while but you posted your comment in november and you are down another 13lbs! That is great. I have to say that it makes me feel better that I am not the only one with so much weight to lose. I have realized though that it seems a lot less daunting when I focus on my big sucess rather than my small failures. I feel great about myslef and I really am loving working out. Its fun. Good luck and hopefully the next time we chat we'll both be down another size :)
  • rockwife
    You are not alone. I have recently found and am using this site. I have at least 100 lbs to lose and am on this site most evening. Welcome, and you can do it. Remember it was the turtle who won the race. Persistence will get you where you want to be.