Slow Fat Runner



  • drakechic08
    drakechic08 Posts: 156 Member
    No one will care how fast or slow you are. I have done 4 halves and I'm usually second to last because I walk most of it, but I'm still out there doing it. Go get fitted for good shoes. They can be expensive, but it is worth it. Also buy wicking socks. Your feet will thank you. Search for a walk/jog plan and start it. Don't push too hard at first. Shin splints are usually a sign of over doing it. If you do get them ice a lot and back off.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am not fat, just slow.
    But . . .
    Whatever you do, keep it FUN!
    Much more important to establish a habit of something that you like to do -- that is comfortable -- than to try to improve too fast and hurt yourself or hate it and stop.
  • shan11180
    shan11180 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm so happy I came across this thread!! I am SUPER fat (for now) and SUPER slow (for now). I've been honestly thinking about starting the attempt at jogging, but my fear of how I look is what stops me. That being said, once upon a time I made it my goal to run a 5k without stopping or walking. Now, mind you, I had walkers passing me as I "jogged" but I CANNOT believe the amazing support I found when I was near the finish line. Truly ready to give up, I remember one woman in particular - she had finished the race and was probably 100 lbs soaking wet, but she was jogging up and down the sidelines yelling and cheering for everyone! It was probably one of the most amazing moments of my life. I couldn't believe that she actually finished the race, and took the time to come over and chase me for a few feet just to tell me how great I was doing and how close I was and to NOT GIVE UP! (I'm getting goose bumps all over again as I type this story) Truly amazing!

    Once I completed that 5k, I basically quit everything. Moving, eating right, exercising. Now that I'm back at it and feeling better, I really want to start the jogging process again. I'm terrified. I had the craziest thought the other day about wanting to run a half marathon. I think I'll add it to my bucket list. :wink:

    All that being said, I completely understand your hesitation. I'm hoping these next words I will digest and apply to myself as well, but YOU GOT THIS! Who gives a rip what others think!??! As so many others said, you'll be doing LAPS around those folks hanging out on the couch!
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    edited May 2015
    scottb81 wrote: »
    Nobody will laugh. Everybody atarted sometime and nearly everbody remembers how hard it was when they first started.

    we all started somewhere. thanks to FB time hop i was reminded today of the first mile a jogged all at once. It was 6 years and 70 pounds ago and it nearly killed me. I walked, jogged my first couple 5ks, actually breaking down crying as i crossed the finish at my first 47 minutes after i started!

    I will be running my first marathon in two weeks. You CAN DO THIS!