Good Evening

Dartsmom Posts: 7
edited September 18 in Introduce Yourself
Hello: I'm a grandmother of 4 boys.

I recently have quit smoking and trying to loose weight also.

Altho both are a struggle but I am making some leeee-waaaayyy.


  • Hello: I'm a grandmother of 4 boys.

    I recently have quit smoking and trying to loose weight also.

    Altho both are a struggle but I am making some leeee-waaaayyy.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Sounds like you have already made a great start to your new venture.
    Good luck to you.:flowerforyou:
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Welcome and best of luck to you!
  • rheston
    rheston Posts: 638
    Welcome aboard. Boy that's a lot to do all at one go. I used to be a heavy smoker and it wasn't easy quiting so I really understand what you're trying to do.

    Hope all goes well -- just remember that you have a lot of support from the MFP community here.
  • If you have the willpower to quit smoking, I know that you will be successful in your weight loss journey too. I have heard that giving up smoking is one of the hardest things a person can do!

  • It's me again: Darsmom (actually Carol is my name).

    I am also going to try what I saw on TV yesterday: walking in place for 10 minutes and then you
    can add different steps to the walking......this will be easier on me.

    We also have a mini farm so I tend to outside animals and this gets me out of the house and busy
    and burning more calories.

    Once Spring is here, I will be enjoying "digging in the dirt".

    I love to do crafts too.

    Now my youngest daughter was able to do the videos with exercise training but I have emphasema and can't do that. So I will go at my own pace.

    P.S. I am new at this message board stuff.

    You certainly are a pretty girl.......Good luck to you for your upcoming wedding.
  • auntkaren
    auntkaren Posts: 1,490 Member
    Welcome:flowerforyou: I am trying to quit smoking and diet also, just started a few days ago. So I completely understand and wish you the best.:smile:
  • HI Aunt Karen: It is trully the HABIT thing, I miss the habit of smoking and now it seems I have to eat
    every two hours. You can't imagine how much fiber I have been eatting with cereal. I try to add
    more fruits and veggies into my diet also.

    I need to incorporate more movement into my day also. Once this weather breaks,
    I'll be outside gardening.

    Good luck to you.

    This is the 3rd journal of this type I've tried. I like this one the best so far.

    I'm going to also try and do this "walking in place" thing I saw on TV yesterday,
    you do this for 10 minutes to music, add some moves. 3 times a week has got to help.

  • Hello: thank you for your well wishes.

    This is a lot but little by little it's gotta work.

    I'll keep trying.
  • Thank you for your well wishes......each day brings one a little bit closer.
  • Thank you for your well wishes.

    Another challenge in this ever changing world.
  • Welcome, I know what you are facing . I have copd and I am on oxygen. Just remember to do what you can and don't over-do it. I mainly walk on the treadmill and it may take me 2 hours to walk 20 minutes. Just stick with it and you will see results. Remember to check with your doctor on your progress.
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