Does anyone else get made fun of?



  • QuestToLose
    QuestToLose Posts: 124 Member
    My co-workers are great! I always make my own lunch to work but on days that I'm late or forget my food, they usually go out with me to get a salad or healthy sandwich. When bad comes to worse and I cant work around my break time to go get lunch, one of them usually offers to get me a bowl of salad. All except one, but she is not a problem to me. I'm not accountable to her so whatever remarks she makes about what I eat is just her wasting her breath. Why pay attention to someone like that?? NEXT!!....
  • oreillyn
    oreillyn Posts: 13 Member
    Yes, i get this from co workers and family.

    My suggestion, not to say anything, fighting fire with fire causes more harm. you snicker....they gossip.

    or ... poke them in the belly and say YOUR NEXT
  • ipag
    ipag Posts: 137
    I get a lot of..."I thought all you people ate were donuts." and that's from the public, I'd rather not say what my co workers tell me.
  • See if you can get just one of them to join you. My boss and I are in this together. I need to lose the weight and she is 5'1" and weighs 97 lbs. Obviously she doesn't need to lose weight but she wants to stay fit. It is more fun when you have someone to gripe to and compete with. We exercise at lunchtime 1 time a week.
  • charver35
    charver35 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh god yes..... I finally asked my co-worker if she thought giving just a "little bit of crack" to a drug addict was ok....
    I Feel your pain!!
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I bring oatmeal, a piece of fruit and coffee to work every single day. I have a few coworkers that always make comments about it, but I have learned it's easier to joke around with them about it than get mad. Do I have a donut on the rare occasion that someone brings them in? Yes. But for the most part, I stick to the same daily menu.
    The people that make the comments in a negative tone are those that are heavier than me, eating those 1000 calorie breakfast burritos, donuts, cinnamon rolls and breakfast cakes.
    Ignore them! It's your meal plan and your life, eat what YOU enjoy, no matter what the others say.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    I bring my lunch to work daily. I find it easier to make healthy choices when I'm making it myself, rather than running out to fast food on my lunch hour. I bring salads, wraps, leftovers from dinner the night before.

    I get A LOT of comments from coworkers for it. Such as "Salad again?!", "You know you can eat pizza once in a while, it wont kill you", and my personal favorite "Ugh, you eat so healthy. Try a cheeseburger sometime".

    I'm not thin. I'm a size 16 down from an 18/20. I know what pizza and cheeseburgers are. Thats how I got into this mess. I try to tell myself theyre just trying to make themselves feel better about their fast food lunch choices. But its really annoying.

    Does anyone else have this happening to them?

    Allllll the time. Especially 4-6 weeks out from competition. "Have a piece! You're in good shape you can sacrifice it." They just don't understand. Block it out - you can do it and they can't, simple fact. They're just trying to get themselves to feel better about a lesser lunch choice.
    My other favorite "Don't you hate dieting and not being able to eat what you want"
    Answer: No, I don't mind. Because I hate french fries and never want a calzone. I want top round serloin and some yams.

    Learn to take pride in going against the grain. You can achieve something they lack the will to do.
  • Duckz1
    Duckz1 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm mildly anti-social at work and I eat alone. On the rare occasion that someone comments on my food I just give them a "yeah? huh" and go back to reading my book or whatever I'm doing. I can't remember any specific occasions because I just care that little about my coworkers' occasional clueless comments.

    Now the one very religious guy who told me I was going to die alone and poor in a nursing home if I didn't get married and have babies...that one stuck with me :laugh: Or the other guy who told me that "owning a horse is good for girls like you because it gives you a sense of responsibility." :huh:

    My point is, people are idiots and they're going to say stupid crap about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Ignore the lame comments and cherish the unintentionally hilarious ones :happy:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    bumping, interesting topic .....
  • lherz
    lherz Posts: 27
    Yes, all the time. I work in an office where they bring bars, rolls, cake, and many rooms have candy to take at all times! Potlucks are also very popular at my work. When they offer to me and I decline, it is usually some snide remark or pressure to be social with your coworkers by eating with them. I know they are just feeling self conscious about eating the not so healthy food but why does everything have to include food! I have started to just ignore the snide remarks and change the conversation. If it is a party, I go and make small talk and skip the treats. If it is a potluck, I say I was too busy to make anything and skip going. This only works when my will is strong or there are no special K bars....
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    Ignore them. Be proud of your determination. Please never give in to those comments. Soon it will stop when they see slimmer and healthier you. Don't be surprised if the same people start asking your advise as they too want to follow your footsteps and look great. Congratulations for going down from size 18 to 16. Keep it up.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I got a great idea! You could really spruce up those salads and make them pretty! You could put bell peppers, mushrooms, banana peppers, strips of carrots...there are tons of low calorie alternative...heck...throw in some blue berries or dehydrated apple and watch them drool! Basically, for a week, You could have fun making the most incredible, colorful salads ever!
  • my man loves meat, like a damn carnivore! lol. i dont eat meat, or drink anything but water, tea, and instant hot chocolate. (im boring, i know!) i dont eat candy or junk food either, and my friends ride me about it too. its jealously, i tell you! ive taught myself to have better discipline with eating, i just ignore it, or tell them to stfu!
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    This is a fun one for me (and me alone) as I follow and intermittent fasting protocol:

    "Where's you lunch?"
    "I don't eat lunch"
    "What! why?"
    "Breakfast is at 6PM, i'll finish everything by 10. That's it."
  • SugarBottomzes
    SugarBottomzes Posts: 21 Member
    I'd give it back to 'em. "Cheeseburger again? You know, a salad won't kill you."

  • melly7171
    melly7171 Posts: 54 Member
    Or you get the oposite if you do happen to eat something other than a sald you get "should you be eating that?" or "are you counting that?" that is also annoying!!!
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    I'd give it back to 'em. "Cheeseburger again? You know, a salad won't kill you."


    Now that's what I like! Give it back.
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    I'd give it back to 'em. "Cheeseburger again? You know, a salad won't kill you."


  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Buying lunch every day is expensive. If all else fails, tell them you're saving $$$, and sometimes a simple " no thank you " without explanation (broken record technique) will stop people from engaging!
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    Have you ever heard the song by Jill Scott "Hate on me"
    Whee Girl, there will always be haters. Now you may not know it or believe it but there are. And the signs are right there, they are trying to bring you down and down further. Some people, I do not understand why, get a kick of seeing peopl fall on their faces. And some even like to know that they had a part in it. Now i am not saying that all these people are like that.but they are hating.

    I dont know how to react to them because I do not know them. Maybe they are just joking and think you would laugh. In that case you could tell them Id appreciate it if you dont make those comments anymore. Its my decision to eat this its your decision to eat that. and as adults they shoudl respect.
    Now if they have the mindset of High School kids, it may be a bit harder to get to them, and have them be considerate. You got to give it back to them. Maybe go to work with some facts about obesity and the health dangers. They say something about your salad you spit back a fact about diabetes. Or something to that affect. DOnt put up with it, that's my point. You dont have to be friends with people at work, and you should receive respect. Dont let them bring you down. You are better than that.