split workouts

i have got back to excercising again after a 3 week hiatus. Funny how much strength you can lose in 3 weeks. My routine starts at 5AM w/ 30 minutes of interval brisk walking on the treadmill (increasing the incline every 5 minutes). Then after work i do my P90X routine. i'm on day 4 and am absolutely sore and exhausted. i'm a 34 year old male, 5-11/195lbs and a caloric intake of appx 1800cals. is this too much starting off or should i work myself into the split w/out routines?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    P90X is an intense program that does not need any additional routines, ecspecially if you are just getting back into working out. If you do choose to do P90x and the extra amount of exercise you will want to up your calories as the lowest level outlined in P90x is 1800 and with your current size you would probably fall in the mid range which I beleive is 2200 cals.

    Good luck with the program it is great, I recently finished my second round of the 90 days, and I weigh about 140lbs and was eating around 1800-2000 cals/day and still lost 2 to 3 pounds.