started the last post wrong, please read :)

I have been doing Jillian Michales for 2 weeks and Hip hop abs as well. The only difference I see is my butt and legs look great, but my stomach still looks aweful :( You can see down the sides of my stomach starting to form a bit and once in awhile if i move just right i can see a line starting down the middle, but still so flabby!! What am I doing wrong? Feel free to look at my diary :) My back is looking a little different too. I just figured that since i work so hard on my abs they would be alot better than they are. Any advice? Is this happening to anyone else? I am a very positive person and love to support all my friends everyday but this depresses me. Please help with advice and experiances :)


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    It's only been 2 weeks. Calm down.

    Also, you can't spot reduce. Genetics determine how you lose your fat and where you lose it from. It's entirely possible that it will come from your belly last. You're just going to have to be patient.
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,269 Member
    Did you take pictures and measurements? If you haven't, I highly recommend doing so now, so you can see it going forward. When I started 30DS, I didn't think anything was really changing, but then I looked at the pictures I had taken. For me, I find it easier if I wear the same workout clothes for "picture day" because then I'm not getting thrown off by the difference in clothing, all I'm looking at/for are the body changes. I'll bet that you've had more changes than you think you have. Seriously, pictures and measurements will help you see it better. I'm sorry you don't feel the changes are coming as quickly as you'd like. Try to remember (though I know it's hard, especially at the start) that the body changes that happened to get where you are didn't happen overnight and these changes for the better won't either. Keep at it, it will come as long as you remain determined and keep doing it. :flowerforyou: You're doing great!

    ETA: They say abs are made in the kitchen... Yes, you've got to shed some of the fat first before the definition will show through... And you're going to lose it kind of in the order that it came on... So if your thighs/butt were the last things to gain, they'll be the first things to lose. My belly area has always been my "problem" area. It's so much better now than it was, but it's still flabby. Honestly. And I attribute that to the fact that I don't eat as clean as I should to get the definition I'd like.
  • evademers
    Thank you girls :) I am an impatient I just have never taken my health as seriously as I do now and it used to be so easy for me to lose weight. I have never put this much effort into myself so i expected it to go faster :) I will calm down and theres no way I am quitting!! Thanks Mari I will take measurements soon, have to get a tape measure and retake some pics and see if i can see a difference. xx Eva