Combining Fruit & Protein?

LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
Does anyone else combine their fruit with a protein? I've always done this since protein boosts your metabolism and fills you up. I've read that combining lean protein with fruit keeps your metabolic rate high and your blood sugar levels steady, preventing insulin spikes which can lead to cravings



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Does anyone else combine their fruit with a protein? I've always done this since protein boosts your metabolism and fills you up.

    I've read that combining lean protein with fruit keeps your metabolic rate high and your blood sugar levels steady, preventing insulin spikes which can lead to cravings


    I think that you should experiment and see whether or not this makes you feel any different. From a metabolism-standpoint it is irrelevant. Your total food intake for the day matters. How you partition it or combine it may matter for behavior or how you feel, but it will not effect your metabolism to any significant degree whatsoever.
  • MariaMariaM
    MariaMariaM Posts: 1,322 Member
    I combine frozen fruit with my protein and add a bunch of other stuff when I want to make it more like a meal. When I am done, my meal shake has over 400 calories and it is extremely filling. Not sure about the insulin spike.
    When using purely as protein shake, I will add maybe 1/2 banana depending on what flavor I am drinking.
  • veganempress
    Fruit should be eaten alone to get best nutrition value for your body. This is due to digestion times. Most protein from meats or even shakes takes up to 10 hours to digest in the body. Heavy meats like read meat can take up to 40 hours. This causes digestion issues and can result to the meat spoiling in your tummy.

    Food combinations are very important when it comes be nutrition. In America we eat plentiful but are nutrient deficient. Good food combinations are protein and veggies. Do not eat protein with starches. This slows down digestion. Eat starches with veggies and eat fruit alone or with other fruit.

    Hope this helps.. Google food combinations to learn more.