Need some help

Alright, I have been on MFP for almost 2 years. During that time I have lost weight, changed jobs and put it back on. I travel for a living so it is hard for me to get on a regular workout program and eating out makes things more challenging.

I will be the first to admit I am lazy. I am not a morning person and with a family, things get really busy in the evenings. I am not really a gym fan so I do not currently have a membership anywhere. I am not motivated enough by myself to do what I need to do to keep going. I have to be accountable to someone to get me to do things a lot of the time. Not making excuses just laying out the facts.

Anyone have suggestions for what has helped them? On side note, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to help give me some motivation and accountability.


  • lilylover2012
    lilylover2012 Posts: 39 Member
    I know how difficult it is to always be on the go and to try to find time for working out in between when you're on the lazier side (like me) but what's helped me is to walk places instead of driving whenever I can. We have a shopping center about 15 minutes away by foot so if I need to go to grab something from one of the stores, I just walk and that is a small workout right there because you're still burning calories.

    Since you have a family (and I'm guessing kids), maybe you could do more activities with them so it includes calorie burning and family time? Maybe take them bowling or for a game of basketball, tennis, or just playing with them at the park? I know it's hard but that's what's helped me. No kids here but I've gotten my husband to go with me for walks in the park and I walk my in-law's dogs or go play a game of pick up with my brothers-in-law.

    Good luck!
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Alright, I have been on MFP for almost 2 years. During that time I have lost weight, changed jobs and put it back on. I travel for a living so it is hard for me to get on a regular workout program and eating out makes things more challenging.

    I will be the first to admit I am lazy. I am not a morning person and with a family, things get really busy in the evenings. I am not really a gym fan so I do not currently have a membership anywhere. I am not motivated enough by myself to do what I need to do to keep going. I have to be accountable to someone to get me to do things a lot of the time. Not making excuses just laying out the facts.

    Anyone have suggestions for what has helped them? On side note, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to help give me some motivation and accountability.

    Sorry, but that is just a bunch of excuses. What suggestions would you like for someone who won't work out in the mornings or evenings, doesn't want to work out alone but doesn't like gyms, and travels so can't/won't get on a regular schedule?

    If you want it - you will find a way. Not trying to sound harsh, but it's like that Nike poster: "Someone busier than you is running right now." You either make it fit in with your life or you don't. I don't like getting up early either, but I make myself do it. I have a job, a family, volunteer activites, hobbies, etc. And I promise that I am the Queen of Lazytown. But the trick is just making yourself do it. It's that simple.

    So what if it sucks to get up early? It sucks more to be fat. Evenings are busy because of your kids? Think about how boring their lives would be if you couldn't play or keep up with them anymore.

    I hope you find your motivation & something that you enjoy doing - the rewards are more than worth the sacrifices. But you just have to decide that for yourself :wink:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Change your priorities.
    Become a productivity and time management ninja.

    Youre a dude- so... I know you got it in ya.
  • kolraw
    kolraw Posts: 42 Member

    You are right, they are excuses. I am just trying to figure out how to overcome them. Simple to say just do it, harder to put into practice.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member

    You are right, they are excuses. I am just trying to figure out how to overcome them. Simple to say just do it, harder to put into practice.

    I understand that. I had to overcome all that too. But my point is still the same - you have to decide to do it. Otherwise it won't work. If you can do it for one day, you can do it for two. If you can do it for two, keep sticking to it for 3, 4, 5, etc. Decide daily and eventually it becomes habit.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    Stick to small goals. If you hate mornings, then get up a little earlier each day. Take the kids for a walk and a picnic at the end of it.
    These goals will be more attainable than thinking "I am fat.. so I need to be thin"...
    Once you find that motivation, you'll be able to keep going. Sure, there'll be lazy days and cheat days, but as long as you get right back on it instead of thinking that it's all over, it'll work out so well for you.

    I wish you so much luck xx
  • argdewit4
    I tell people are aren't feeling motivated or just do not like working out to just do it knowing it's going to suck and that you are not going to want to do it most of the time - for a good couple of months. Just tell yourself to give it 10 minutes and once you are moving you are usually fine finishing the workout. I promise you, after a few months of pushing through the hard beginning, you will start to enjoy it and find a way to fit it in.I am married, two kids, full time job with a commute. I still struggle to workout at 5am but I manage to do it 2-3 weekdays (working out 5-6 days a week total) My husband and i just fit it into our schedules.
    I cancelled my gym membership b/c that is just not my thing. I have been doing all kinds of stuff at home with little to no equipment. Check out nerd fitness (bodyweight brigade), Insanity and that kind of thing. You can do the bodyweight brigade anywhere! And running/walking can also be done anywhere.

    You can do it, your family needs you around for a long time and that won't happen if you dont take care of yourself.