what did you eat like before MFP?



  • Suziq1023
    Suziq1023 Posts: 46 Member
    I never ate breakfast during the week, kept the chocolates in a candy jar on my desk, had a Pepsi every day, ate a good lunch then a "supersized" dinner and at bedtime ate icecream straight from the carton. Now I "practice" portion control because I haven't perfected it yet. I found through logging I was getting about 1000 calories daily from my coffeemate. I've started eating breakfast daily, found a few food tricks that work for me and usually have a really nice salad on hand. Oh, i only eat lean grass fed beef and I rarely bake now.
  • dcaf1962
    dcaf1962 Posts: 16
    Keeping track of what you eat, and how much exercise you do (which by the way, allows you to eat more. It's called "eating back") is a great way to keep you in line. I would eat a lot of junk food, thinking that because I exercised a lot, I would not gain weight. We all know that that is just not true. If you eat more calories than you burn, obviously you are going to get bigger and bigger, which I can definitely attest to. MFP has totally helped me by tracking everything I put in my mouth, and thus keeping me in line. Now, if I want a drink, or a certain meal, I check how much it is going to cost me (in calories), and if I don't have enough in the bank (I am over my dailay allowed calorie intake) I spend an extra hour on my horse, or go walking or jogging, or maybe an hour in the garden picking up rocks, it all adds up on the calorie scale, and I get to eat more, and I still loose weight. I totally make a game out of it, and it works, thanks to MFP..........
  • middleton110
    middleton110 Posts: 22 Member
    Basically whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, even if I wasn't hungry.

    A lot of my problem stems from boredom eating. If I don't have anything else to do, why not eat? I also have a horrible sweet tooth and can (still D: ) eat an entire pint of ice cream in one sitting, or a whole angel food cake. I'm also an envious eater - if you have cookies, I want cookies. If you eat ice cream, I should be able to eat ice cream (even if I did just eat those cookies).

    Luckily one of my friends sat me down and pointed out I was fifty pounds overweight at 18 and wasn't taking care of my body like I should be.

    Some people don't eat and then binge. I just ate like normal (or in excess) and also binged. I tried various diets the "I'll just eat less diet" didn't work out so well and the "skim milk diet" didn't change much and the "i'll eat more vegetables diet" also failed me. I just really love simple carbs - bread, rice, potatoes...

    I guess you could say I suffered sticker shock. I didn't realize that a whole chicken breast was way out of proportion, or how much "2 oz" of noodles really was. I'd say I spent a significant number of calories on sweet things alone. I gave up for a while after being so discouraged about my constant over-eating (even with limiting myself, I was still hitting 2,500 most days with little/no exercise). I bet I easily hit 3500 calories multiple times a week. I was spared by the fact that I had to walk to campus 20 minutes/day and stand on my feet to waitress. When winter hit and I decided to take the bus... that's really when the weight hit me.

    Between losing 20 lbs on Atkins, Weight Watchers, MFP, and Atkins again, I've learned to love the feeling of burning calories rather than constantly eating them. Also developing a gum habit has been nice to replace boredom eating. I'll probably keep Orbit in business for a while.