pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Just curious what the girls my height are aiming for on their weight goals.

I am 35 and current weight 175. My goal weight is 140 right now because I feel I will still look healthy, have some curves and feel good and look good in the clothes I want to wear and in pictures.

I was always used to being 125 and never breaking that until I had my first child and went up to 145 which was still great. After getting married and two more kids – I have skyrocketed up to 183 at my heaviest.

What is your goal weight?


  • I am 5'7" and currently 180, down from 220. My goal weight is 150-155, which should put me in a size 10 or so. Although you are inspiring me! Maybe I can still be healthy and weigh under 150!
  • Advengirl
    Advengirl Posts: 88 Member
    :) I'm 5'7 and I'm aiming for 160 overall. I'd be stoked to be at 175 again so that's my 1st goal!

    Don't let the numbers fool ya though- I was blessed with a lot of muscle and an Amazonian 160 is considered healthy and ideal for me per the docs. Considering I have 150lbs of lean on me right now (I had the hydrostatic body composition analysis done before really kicking things into high gear)...I think I'd have an unhealthy body fat % if I got much lower than 160. We'll see :/

    But 140lbs..that's a great goal for you from what you're telling me! I think you'll look fantastic, healthy, and like a total brickhouse (curves!).

    I just realized that you're already 11lbs down from your highest...that's awesome!
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    Hello, I am 5'6 so a little shorter but my goal is 150, right now i would be happy with anything under 200, but I think it really depends on your figure, my cousion is 5'9 and is 140 maybe,. and she is a twig with a butt but no chest. so i think its really what your comfortable with. Until you loose and see I think that setting goals is great, and customizing them when we get there...:bigsmile:
  • I am 5'7 and my goal weight is 135. I am almost 40 (2 months shy) and I am one pound away from that weight after a year of eating better and working out. I had gotten to 160 and was miserable. Most people think that is to thin but that is the weight I like. 140 is a good goal to have. Good luck!:smile:
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I'm 5 ft. 7.5 inches tall. My starting weight is 153 and my goal weight is 135 :smile: I was down to 140 a few months ago, but unfortunately gained most of it back :explode:
  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    I'm not 5'7" or 5'8", so I hope you don't mind me posting :wink:

    My current weight is 169 and I am 5'9". I, too, was blessed with a lot of muscle. It has been frustrating always being tall and "big boned", because I always thought I had to be rail thin to be happy. Silly me! People have always commented on how shapely my legs are.....while I was thinking, "Why can't the rest of me be like that?!" They (whoever they are) say that someone at our heights should weigh anywhere from 123-170...based on frame etc. It has taken years for it to sink in, but now I know that as long as I am healthy and happy with how I look, that is all that matters :happy: Too bad it took me so long to figure that out!

    Sorry about my ramblings...I was just so inspired :blushing:

    Anyways, I just wanted to post and say that all of you are an inspiration :drinker: for me and getting rid of the "extra me" as I like to call it! Keep it've already made some great accomplishments. I wish the best for you all. Keep up the GREAT work!!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi ladies! I am 5'7" and my final goal is 140. My heaviest weight ever was 177 and I am currently down to 165. I was about 150-155 throughout high school and part of college. So, my final goal of 140 might be a little harder for me once I get to 150---but I'm going for it!! I don't have it listed as my current goal because I want to get to 150 first and then assess what it will take to get to 140.

    For me, I personally think I'll look freaking fabulous at 140!! Hahaha! I'm shooting to get there by June!
    I want to be 150 by April Fool's day...and that AIN'T no joke! haha! Okay I'm in a good mood I think...because its almost time to go home. (Thank goodness...the boss is a nutcase today!)

    Good luck to you all!!!
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I'm 5'9" and I currently weight 179. I was 234 in January, got down to 190 and then got stuck for a few months. I've been working with a trainer now and have lost 11 more pounds and am still going. My ideal weight is 155-160 which puts me in a size 8-10 so we'll see where I get to. I don't want to lose too much weight because I have a big head and if I lose too much then I will look like a toothpick with a grape stuck on the end and that's kinda funny looking, so I'll stick with the non-grape look. :-)
  • cashmandue
    cashmandue Posts: 26 Member
    I am 5'8 and my goal is 165-170. I am 42. I'm also blessed with muscle and I am very proud of it. The only area that I currently do not like is my core. When I'm at my healthiest, my weight is between 165-170 but I'm a size 10 in pants. I do carry broad shoulders and healthy biceps and triceps. I sometimes wish my arms weren't so big, but they are solid and I am strong.
    I think it's important to do what's comfortable and healthy for you, what your frame supports. I too am big boned. One reason why I don't like the BMI is because it does not take into consideration frame and build. If you are healthy: cholesterol, blood pressure, etc., and you are happy with your size and you are exercising, I think that should be the goal. But, that's just me. I too (like OneMission) have been frustrated over the years, but have come to realize it's more important to be healthy rather than rail thin just because "they" say we have to be a certain weight.
    Everyone on this site has great stories and are a great inspiration. I hope that any of our input helps in some way!!! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm 5'6" and currently weigh149. I'm 48. My pic was about 10-15 pounds heavier. My original goal was 140, but I'm beginning to think I may have gone as far as a I should. I'm wearing a size 6 jeans which is smaller than I've ever been, and I could probably fit a 4. At my thinnest before this (when I was 16) I was at 150 but wearing a 10/12. It's probably going to depend a lot on your muscle tone. I have really worked hard on toning this time, and everything is pretty lean and tight. If I wasn't as fit, I'd probably be the 10/12. So...... I guess what I'm trying to say is to play it by ear. If 140 is where you think you should be, set that as your goal. prepared to adjust your goals depending on how you look and feel. I'm on the heavy side of the healthy BMI for my height and age, but would probably look anorexic at the bottom of that range. Most people don't believe me when I tell them what I weigh - even at 230 they didn't believe I weighed that much. Remember though, it's just a number. Good luck to you.
  • wayless
    wayless Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'8 168.8 and don't know what my goal should be. I know my docs still consider me overweight, but I won't to be comfortable. I would love to be in a single digit size after wearing double digits for 10 years (highest weight was 232). I think I want to give myself a cushion where if I put on 5 pounds I won't stress about the weight. So, to answer your question, I would love to be at 160 (that's my answer for today and if you ask again, it may change):happy:
  • I'm 5'8'', 41 yrs old and I had a goal weight set for 155 but I've been stuck at 165 for 2 months now. 155 would put me well into a healthy weight range for my height and age. That said, I also had a goal size wich was Size 8 which I have already reached and am starting to shrink out of. So I think that having a weight goal is fabulous but that having a clothing sizes can be a great goal as well, that sometimes can be reached before reaching the goal weight. Like others have said, muscle density and how/where you lose from can have a huge impact on your physical appearance which might give you what you wish to look like without actually being the weight you hope to be. Make sense? So basically don't despair if you don't get to the weight you want because you might just get to the size you want. Which is just as good if you ask me.:happy:
  • I am 255 right now and my goal is 175, your weight! When I weigh 175 I can easily wear a size 10 or maybe 12.....and that is good enough for me!
  • pannellkat
    pannellkat Posts: 709 Member
    I need to be in a size 7 so whatever it takes - if that means being 150 lbs...thats good with me! :)

    You ladies are inspiring!
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    Just curious what the girls my height are aiming for on their weight goals.

    I am 35 and current weight 175. My goal weight is 140 right now because I feel I will still look healthy, have some curves and feel good and look good in the clothes I want to wear and in pictures.

    I was always used to being 125 and never breaking that until I had my first child and went up to 145 which was still great. After getting married and two more kids – I have skyrocketed up to 183 at my heaviest.

    What is your goal weight?

    I'm 5'7", 52, and now weigh 147. When I first came to MFP, I never figured it'd really work. (since NONE of my other "diets" had!) I made my first goal 158, but when I started losing and realized that THIS TIME, I JUST MIGHT do it, I dropped my goal down to 148. I'd still like to lose a few more pounds, just to have alittle leeway, since I LOVE food as much as I do. But, all I've managed to do for the last 11 months is yo-yo back and forth with like the same 5 pounds! :laugh: I'm beginning to think that my body just WANTS to stay where it's at, and since I'm so thrilled and amazed still at how I look and feel, I'm VERY ok with it if I DON'T lose anymore weight! :happy:

    I like this calculator because you measure your wrist to get an idea of frame size. I'm only 5'5" and i weigh 128-129ish right now. but it looks heavy on me. I should be closer to 120. my wrists are tiny, my shoulders are face is narrow. I think body type has a lot to do with what weight looks the best on you.
  • oregonlady
    oregonlady Posts: 2,743 Member
    I'm 5'6" and currently weigh149. I'm 48. My pic was about 10-15 pounds heavier. My original goal was 140, but I'm beginning to think I may have gone as far as a I should. I'm wearing a size 6 jeans which is smaller than I've ever been, and I could probably fit a 4. At my thinnest before this (when I was 16) I was at 150 but wearing a 10/12. It's probably going to depend a lot on your muscle tone. I have really worked hard on toning this time, and everything is pretty lean and tight. If I wasn't as fit, I'd probably be the 10/12. So...... I guess what I'm trying to say is to play it by ear. If 140 is where you think you should be, set that as your goal. prepared to adjust your goals depending on how you look and feel. I'm on the heavy side of the healthy BMI for my height and age, but would probably look anorexic at the bottom of that range. Most people don't believe me when I tell them what I weigh - even at 230 they didn't believe I weighed that much. Remember though, it's just a number. Good luck to you.

    i am very simmilar to frogtoe here.:wink::wink: :wink:
    5'6", 148 lbs, 45 yrs old, and i used to weigh 240lbs.
    presently, i wear a 10/12.:smile::indifferent: :smile:
    ~~this is the smallest i've ever been since i started puberty!:noway: :noway: :noway:

    i think i'd be happy w/ a final goal weight of 130-135.:huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh:
  • MissLinzi
    MissLinzi Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 5'7 and right now Im at 188lbs. My goal for NOW is 150, but ultimatley I would like to be around 130-135.
    I graduated high school at 120, and have since gained about 70lbs total, 11 of them this year alone!
    Some people say 130-135 would make me entirely too skinny, and they may be right. But that is why my goal for now is long as I can fit into a size 5/6..I dont care how small or big Iam!!
  • I am 5'6 and big boned, and have broad shoulders. My goal weight is 160. I am currently at 181, I was just telling my husband today that I can't wait to reach 160, because I felt so good at that weight . He was in the first war with iraq and when he left I was 198 and when he came home I was 155. He didn't reconize me!!!! It was awesome. So that is my goal to get to 160. Good luck to all of you.:smile::drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • geicko
    geicko Posts: 151
    :sick: Ladies, I'm filled with envy !
    I'm only 5'4 and there's no diet or willpower that will ever change that :frown:
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