Broke my ankle doing the Warrior Dash??

Okay so I snapped my ankle during the Warrior Dash this last weekend and now I'm not sure what to do about my calorie intake? Should I leave my calories alone or should I adjust them. I'm on bed rest until next Monday until I can get in to see the surgeon.


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    wow, that sucks.

    In the meantime, I'd probably eat maybe 100-200 calories above your bmr while you are on bed rest. It is a temporary situation and I wouldn't worry with trying to lose weight this week, but this should keep you from gaining.
  • I'd leave it but eat smart. Since your activity level won't be the same, don't eat exactly the same.
  • mavrick7
    mavrick7 Posts: 1,607 Member
    Okay so I snapped my ankle during the Warrior Dash this last weekend and now I'm not sure what to do about my calorie intake? Should I leave my calories alone or should I adjust them. I'm on bed rest until next Monday until I can get in to see the surgeon.

    I am in the same boat :(
    Had surgery on my right arm yesterday (years of boxing and Jiu-Jitsu abuse). Will be out for a couple of weeks.
  • blackdahlia22
    blackdahlia22 Posts: 4 Member
    I hurt my ankle 6 weeks ago, both high and low ligament tears. I was at bed rest for 5 weeks before getting the ok to begin walking with a boot. According to the BMR I should have been eating 1500 calories. I actually dropped my intake to 1200 eating lean and clean and have managed to continue to lose a couple pounds a week. It has only been one week since i was allowed to begin walking, so I immediately got myself to the gym and began swimming (freestyle - arms only as it is painful to kick, breast stroke - with legs as frog kick does not seem to bother), using an arm cycle and also getting some weights in. (I continue to work at the 1200 calorie level as the workouts are not hugely intense. )I am being sent to attempt some PT for 2 weeks and then I will get the final verdict as to whether I need to have surgery.

    Good Luck!

    I have been told that I would have been better off I had broken my ankle as it is much quicker to heal.
  • theburnetts1
    theburnetts1 Posts: 130 Member
    Yeah I hear ya! I actually broker the talis bone clean in half and dislocated the outer bone of the ankle and tore all the tendons and ligements. Might be a long haul but taking things one day at a time does help :)