What do you "pig out" to on cheat days?



  • dare2love81
    dare2love81 Posts: 928 Member
    Mexican food would be my first choice, or pizza or lasagna and garlic bread - better yet, cheesy garlic bread. Or most recently, a Cookie Jar Blizzard from DQ. Also, pub food ranks up there too. Nothing beats pub appetizers.
  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    hot wings and beer on friday nights in front of the TV watching a movie :o) AHHHHHHH!!!!!!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Hmm don't "pig out", but on my big cardio days I "splurge". I usually have Chipotle for lunch (w/ no sour cream) and will go out to dinner and have a margherita pizza or pasta, sometimes frozen yogurt afterwards.
    But it usually still fits caloriewise. I haven't had one day completely "off" since I started this over 3 months ago. Not to say I won't, just not yet. When I do, I have a feeling it will be cheese enchiladas.

    As for ice cream, I still have this often. But I have 1/2 serving of vanilla Haagen Daz (1/4 cup) with strawberries and dark chocolate chips.
  • lovinmyselfagain
    lovinmyselfagain Posts: 307 Member
    Hmmm...I don't have "cheat" meals or days. I "treat" myself to small servings of chocolate, chips, or whatever, whenever I have a craving for something, they always fit into my calorie goal for the day though. But, if I were to have a meal of complete indulgence with no worries about calories, measuring/weighing,etc., then it would definitely be pasta, bread, a bottle of Cabernet and probably cheesecake to finish...
  • Bearman45
    I don't have cheat days. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want it. I just do it sensibly.

    What he said!
  • sircris
    sircris Posts: 6 Member
    Chipotle, no question! A nice burrito bowl with brown rice, double meat of chicken and steak, beans, onions, hot and mild sauce, corn, cheese, lettuce, and yes I must add it... sour cream. Mmmm. Other than that, there's a nice chicken teriyaki joint by my place that is simply delic. Oh, and since I'm from a rainy city... a nice bowl of Vietnamese pho hits the spot nicely. :)

    There are also the occasional lunch/dinner dates where I pig out at random restaurants (Applebees, Thai cuisines, etc)
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    as a lactose person i eat soo good coconut milk cookie dough icecream, and the odd recess pieces. i still havent adjusted to the fact im lactose and dairy makes me ill :( I long for a poutine or greasy pizza hahah. But really i eat sensibly if i want a cookie ill make some with coconut flour and fit it in my calories. im sensible and will eat what i want ! just means jilian micheals yells at me a bit longer that day :)
  • Tsunami79
    Tsunami79 Posts: 122 Member
    After not be able to, find work since January, I got a job, on Monday, and cheated that day.

    I am for now on going to save my cheat days, for my Birthday, and other major Holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter etc, but still hopefully will plan to fit those days into my calories if I can, which might mean I don't eat all day, until the big feast.
  • Villy17
    Villy17 Posts: 17 Member
    Saturday's at the Farmer's Market they have fresh made donuts. sprinkled with some cinnamon, omg mmmmm
  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    I don't do cheat days. I reward myself with other items and not food. If I do "cheat" I go over on sodium or carbs but my calories stay in what I am budgeted.