Running advice- having pain- HM training

Basic info:

Took 2 months off running. I am now on week 3 of a 12 week HM training schedule (so basically getting back into running). I have no spare time/weeks to lose.
Discouraged by how much endurance I lost, but getting it back.
Getting back into the running technique, Im having some serious achilles/lower calf pain..but its not constant. For example, Im great for the first 1-1.5 miles. Then it hits and for the rest of the run, whether its a short run or a long run, I battle pain to a degree the rest of the time. Today though, it had mostly gone away by my last mile. But I have to stop, run, stop, run, walk, run, stop, run, etc. I thought I could push through it, and sometimes its not as bad...but EVERY time I run, its there. I never had a problem with this before. I tried taking it very slow today, but today's run was no different as far as the pain goes.
There are hills in my subdivision, which is where I have to run during the week. I know that contributes. Ive got good shoes, and I feel like Ive got a decent running form. I also run first thing in the morning, but feel like I stretch well. However, obvioiusly something is not quite right, somewhere.

Do I continue to run, pushing through the pain and pray it resolves itself? Do I take time off, causing me to lose the endurance Ive built up? What would you fellow runners do in my shoes?


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Sounds to me like you have an injury that requires rest. I don't think running on it is a great idea. If you've lost that much endurance and have only 12 weeks to race day, you may want to pick a different race.

    I think you should see a doctor who specializes in sports medicine.
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Curious...if it's an injury, why wouldnt it hurt immediately after I started running each day?

    The HM is November 10, so Ive got some time....but the schedule Im doing puts me right up to race week. I dont HAVE to do was just a goal I had. I though for sure, after the first few days of pain, it was just that I hadnt run in a while. But after 3 weeks, I can tell my cardiovascular endurance is improving a lot...but not my legs. This is totally bumming me out.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I'm going to have to agree. I had an injury to my knee that very slowly crept up on me. It wouldn't start up until 30 minutes into a 2-3 hour bike ride. Was barely noticeable, so I just shrugged it off as something that would eventually go away. Then one day I went to a forest with more, shorter, but steeper hills. BAM! No more bike riding for 3 years.

    I STRONGLY suggest you stop running all-together I know it'll be hard,and you'll want to run, but so see a physical therapist and get it checked out properly. Pain if your body's way of telling you something is wrong. If it's from a ligament, or tendon, it's serious, regardless of how little it is. Take the time off, go swimming or do something different instead for now, do the physical therapy, and get back into running later on. You can thank yourself for giving your legs a rest later.
  • glonigan
    glonigan Posts: 82
    I am by no means an expert in running and only average 15 miles per week.. You could use a bike or other form of cardio to help build/maintain your endurance and/or cardio while you back off on your running, giving yourself time to heal. If it is okay for the first mile or two, why not throw in some speed work to keep your mileage down but expand your cardio threshold and speed? I did learn though not to run through pain as my nagging pain ended up being a stress fracture which got me a cool moon boot and no running for 16 weeks back in January.
  • ka97
    ka97 Posts: 1,984 Member
    Strongly suggest you see a doctor. Sounds like it could be an achilles issue, though I'm not an expert. It really really sucks, but you could be setting yourself up for long term issues if you continue to run on it. I had a bad case of achilles tendonitis a couple of years ago. Took a week or two off here and there, but mostly tried to push through it. Eventually I ended up having to take 3 months off from running. Had I stopped when I first started having symptoms, could have been just 3-5 weeks.
    See a doctor. Find out what is causing the pain, and then deal with it.
    Good luck!!!
  • davisrl0
    davisrl0 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks everyone. I guess taking time off would be the smart thing to do...even though it is really disappointing.
  • timboom1
    timboom1 Posts: 762 Member
    Take a break rest and maybe consult a physical therapist. This sounds a lot lite acute achilles tendonitis from overuse. You do not want this to become a chronic injury. My wife had a similar issue and on top of rest, there are a number of exercises and stretches that can help with it recurring, assuming that it is an achilles issue.