please help, im new.

so im having a hard time understanding why i need to eat 1200 calories a day to lose 2 pounds a week? im stuck at 126 pounds, i was eating 300 calories a day, and exercising for 45 mins a day, i lost 5 pounds in a month but now im just kinda stuck. by the way, im 20 years old, and i want to get to 106.


  • wftiger
    wftiger Posts: 1,283 Member
    You were seriously eating 300 calories per day? Well, problem with that is you could die doing that. Less then I believe 400 or 500 and your heart can't function correctly and you will go into cardiac arrest.

    If you do not eat enough you will lose muscle. That will make your BMR go down and then you will not be able to eat as much before you gain. Most health professionals recommend women eat at least 1200 per day and men 1500 and those would be the minimums. You need to eat enough protein or again, you will lose muscle.

    If you are stuck do something different. Cut your carbs or do some strength training. If you don't do this right you will suffer later in your life. It's not about losing, it is about being healthy and being able to maintain it.

    Keep the muscle, lose the fat.
  • rhondagraymond
    WHY on Earth were you ever eating only 300 calories per day?! Who advised you to do that?! I think you need to understand a few fundamental basics about losing weight. First, your body NEEDS calories to burn fat. If you don’t eat enough, your body goes into survival mode and starts to store the fat to give you energy. An ideal weight loss diet ( is one which is balanced and nutritious; one that gives you the necessary minerals and vitamins. Compromising on your health will help nothing.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Eat too little and you're giving your body the perfect reason to store fat. Not to mention giving yourself a whole mess of health problems.

    Please, do yourself a favor and fuel your body. Toddlers need more than 300 calories a day, and they don't workout - they stack blocks and take naps. :tongue:

    In your profile, you list "being healthy and strong" as one of your inspirations. Eating 300 calories a day will get you neither healthy, nor strong.

    The minimum recommendation for women is 1200 a day, and that's not counting exercise calories. You'll have much better success being healthy and strong if you do your homework, find your BMR & your TDEE, & calculate a healthy goal weight. This topic has great info:

    And a great example of healthy and strong while eating well over 1200 calories a day: