starvation mode

Last year I started mfp but I quit because I could not lose weight. I tried again this year started again on Aug 2nd. I lost 4 pounds (with excersice)-one pound a week. unfortunately I had one bad weekend and lost the loss went and gained the 5 back( Since then I've decided to stick with it so with exersice I will keep my calories in check. Everyday my completed entry states that I'm eating too few calories and talks about starvation mode. My calorie count is like 90 calories left. but when I exersice there is more calories and I don't want to eat that many calories. I think that is the reason I couldn't lose last time. What does starvation mode mean?


  • BeantownSooner
    You will always get that message if you're under 1200 net calories. You don't have to eat all of the exercise back but at least get to that level and if you still feel hungry one day feel free to eat the exercise calories. They're there for you to eat since you already created a calorie deficit when you set up MFP.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    If you eat too little your metabolism slows because your body thinks there's a famine basically.

    Open your diary and share your age, height, weight and weekly loss goal and there are many here that will critique it and give tips. I will say though: unless you are very short you ought to be eating over 1200 calories and you're not doing yourself any favors by eating too little. In fact because you are slowing your metabolism so severely when you fall off the wagon you gain it all back super fast and risk gaining even more than you lost. I speak from experience!

    Back in February I set my goal to lose .5 lbs a week, since then Ive dropped just under 30 lbs! You can do this without starving yourself!