
Hey all! I was thinking about changing up my diet because doing my "own" thing isn't working for some reason. Anyone tried the Medifast diet?

Thanks, Dana


  • sweetgl
    sweetgl Posts: 108 Member
    I dont think all those werid diets work, well they might but in the long run it just ends up screwing you over... just eat less cals and exersize. Simple as that :smile:
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    My Mom went on Medifast when I was in High School. She lost weight on it, but it definitely took it's toll - she lost hair too... I think Oprah went on something very much like it. If I recall, at the time my Mom had to go and see and Dr to be on it, and a Nutritionist to help as well. I remember her making the little "shakes" and soups. She did lose a lot of weight on it, but I can tell you, she never did "re-learn" how to eat properly, because when she went back on "normal" food, she ate like she did before, so she never got rid of the bad habits, and she regained all the weight. It didn't take long to regain it either. :( She was also walking while she was on it, but after she went off, somehow lost a lot of the motivation to continue. Hope this helps. I don't know if that program has changed. I'd say take the nutritionist appts for sure, but maybe do a different "food" program.
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    Thanks for all the replies. I will take everything into consideration. 8-)