Things I learned in anatomy class.

Hi there (:

I recently finished my Cert IV in Massage Therapy, a unit in which was basic Anatomy.
My lecturer informed me that, after starting a new diet/lowering your calorie intake, it apparently takes an average of two weeks before your body will adjust to it. During these two weeks, your body will hold on to everything! So if you have just started a new diet and are being discouraged by your lack of results, wait it out and keep going, and they will turn out. (:
He also basically told me that, to a point, there is no such thing as starvation mode. Your body is always adjusting. This is called "homeostasis" and your body needs it to function. The body will simply adjust it's energy consumption.

Obviously I don't fully know what I'm talking about, but these are just some tips my lecturer gave me and I thought I would share them in case they were helpful to others (: