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Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
So im 16...and i weight 250 pounds!. So first question is are there any teenagers in here? or people in there early 20s?Since school started i've been gaining, ahh!!! But im trying to lose weight now. Monday im planning to start...i dont know how well its going to work with THanksgiving right around the corner. so i might just wait till next monday. so next question...any tips to help me...or any fun ways to lose wieght? Another question is does anyone know any good, healthy recipes? and last but not least where is everyone from? well im out! Have a good day!:smile:


  • Channing
    Channing Posts: 617 Member
    Don't wait. I've been there, if you put it off now, you'll keep putting it off. I used to always give myself a starting point and I would pig out until then because "it was my last chance, right?" Well usually the "diet" would last for a few days, but not nearly long enough to make up for the major damage I'd done leading up to that point.

    Use this site. It WILL help you. Just start logging your food today, and don't worry about starting your diet, but just live your life. This will be a real eye opener, but you deserve to be in the know about what is being put into your body.

    I'm so happy you are starting at the age you are because you'll really be glad you did. There are so many experiences you're about to go through that will be that much sweeter when you feel great about your body!

    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:

  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    As the mother of a 9-year-old daughter, I want to say it is very encouraging to see a young person wanting to take control of their life and be healthy. This site is great for that. Make sure you do it the healthy way. As everyone on here will tell you, there is no "get thin quick" formula. Slow and steady win the race. Use the support on her, but also try and find a friend or two at home that you can have to give you support, exercise with, eat healthy with. It's a lifestyle change, not a diet. You'll do great! Welcome.
  • Hi,
    It's great that you are on the site. I'm 20, and trying to get back in shape. This is a great site to help you lose weight, I find that tracking how much I eat everyday is a great way to stay on track.
    Good luck in your journey to a healthy weight.

  • limestar
    limestar Posts: 198 Member
    i am 27, im from texas. i would tell you start now. if you say mon then you will keep postponing it. test yourself for thanksgiving. eat a lil of your favorite food. whatever you usually get eat half. that will be a start. for thanksgiving i will start with the veggie and fruit tray. by the time i get to the main course i will be full. so i wont be able to eat much. if i do have room for dessert i will get half of a piece of pie. what type of recipes do you want. i would say change your oil to spray they have no calories. get cleaner foods such as whole grains and fruits and veggies. do your usual meals but clean it up.
  • Advengirl
    Advengirl Posts: 88 Member
    Hi :)
    I'm 28- but should have started this when I was much much KUDOS to you for getting a handle on things early! Just prepare yourself...this is not going to be easy. But you can do it. You can totally do it. :)

    I'd also say to go ahead and start now! The sooner the better. I used to be a procrastinating dieter (but, I like eating on the I'll start Monday. Then Monday comes and somebody brought doughnuts so I'd say 'well, one more day off couldn't hurt.' Chicka...that turned into 10yrs of a yo-yoing and a steady gain.)

    If you want to gorge on Turkey Day, okay...but know that you still have a few days to get a running head start and make some good progress before then. The effects of all that yummy stuff won't be nearly as severe if you prepare for it and get going now :)

    Just me personally...but I've found that I'll lose a good amount the 1st week I start something...and then severely stall. Stay off the scale for a couple weeks once that starts and go by how your clothes fit (measurements) and how you FEEL. The scale can be very misleading. And honestly- it's not about the number that you see...your progress with eating better and exercise is far more important than fitting into the box that the media has shoved all us women into.
    Eventually, the lbs will start to fall off again once the muscle you're gaining tapers off.

    (but don't ignore the scale forever. It's a helpful tool- but can be a big downer too. You'll learn what makes you comfortable as you go along :)

    Fun exercise...that's a completely relative thing. What do you enjoy doing? :D
    I love hiking and being that's where I try to do most of my activities. You might hate dirt, so that wouldn't be a good recommendation ;)

    And for Recipes...there are a TON of good ones in these forums under the recipes topic. Anything you're looking for in specific? :D

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I agree with the others start now. Have a good thanksgiving. Then back to it the next day.

    Please don't let the scale rule your life. I didn't get on the scale the first 3 months. I just stuck with a certain amount of calories and the weight came off.

    As for fun exercise. Dance girl! There is nothing like dancing to get the heart rate and your mood up. When you're feeling down, don't mope or eat, dance. I like Hip Hop Abs. But like others said whatever you enjoy doing should be your exercise.

    Your are truly awesome starting so young and you're gonna do great.:flowerforyou:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hi. :smile: My daughter is almost 15, and uses the site- she's gone down from around 160 to 140' ish so far, and couldn't be happier. She never posts on the boards, but she's around. We're in New Brunswick, Canada.

    Good luck. Oh, and it's great that you're doing this now at 16 rather than waiting. I was right around your weight in high school, and I know how difficult that can be at times. If I can give you some advice- log EVERYthing you eat, and all of your exercise...and log it as accurately as you can. I've logged everything I've eaten since I started in June- even on days where I was 2000 calories over my calorie limit. Some days you're going to do great, some days you're going eat like food is going out of happens to everyone. Every meal is a new chance, and every day is a new chance.

    Don't wait 'til Monday. Get started now, and treat yourself on Thanksgiving if you need/ want to.

    You might like this site for free exercise videos- there's some fun ones:
  • First of all; GREAT JOB!

    My condensed pointers:

    Learn what real portion sizes are; they aren't what you think. 5 a day of fruits and veggies really isn't that tough (1/2 a cup of veggies is a serving!)
    Exercise; ya gotta do it; but the first week or so expect to feel extra cruddy; your boddy is detoxing when you're sweatin' it out. You'll feel better once you get past the 2 week mark; drink lots of water to help! Don't forget to stretch (helps with the soreness)
    Don't get discouraged if you fall off the wagon; but also don't set yourself up to EXPECT failure. Resolve that you won't and if you do, don't wait until "next" whatever monday/week/month etc. Start that moment. If you really feel discouraged about what you're eating throw it away! Even spit it out if you need to. Sweets are not the enemy, but remember portion control. (Doing Weight Watchers for even 3 weeks can give you a GREAT eye opener to what real portion sizes are!)
    You have to exercise, but find something fun (I know that sounds like an oxymoron); I recommend the workout kits are pricey but last forever and its cheap compared to a gym membership; plus the bonus of at-home workouts that you can travel with, or do in privacy whenever you feel like it. Turbo Jam is really fun!
    No matter what; keep your eyes on the prize! Some inspiring words I know; "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels", and (I dunno if you're a believer or not but... ) "I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength." Keep pressing through, and visualize your victory! Slow and steady really does win the race. Take it one baby step at a time and remember that while every bite DOES affect your body, every step/decision and movement forward in self control affects your body, mind and spirit!
    YOU are gonna do great!!!
    If you ever need some motivation/encouragement, you are welcome to email me:
  • BTW, I'm from Tacoma,WA.
    25 happily married with two beautiful little ones. Keziah 3 and Isaac 18m.

  • sandra400
    sandra400 Posts: 51 Member
    start today!!!! don't wait till monday or the next monday, today is the first day to the rest of your life. just start logging your food good and bad it is a beginning. once you see what calories are in what you eat and it might just help you to make better choices.

    good luck you can do it !!!! you are part of a very good site to help you achieve your goal.
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    I think it is cool you made the decision to start making a lifestyle change now verses once you are done with school and well you never know kids etc. Get up early before school or work and do your workout 30 min cardio and start reaching for salads and fruit even when your friends are eating the junk and they will notice but will want you around as a friend over the ones that want to eat junk all the time. Good Luck and learn now vice once you put on too much and it only gets harder...

    Created by - Free Diet Plans
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Thank you everyone for your advice. I am starting tomorrow instead of waiting. I would do it today but i only have a few minutes to be on.
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