hi, new and looking for encouragment!

basba Posts: 7 Member
my name is Becky and im 25 years old. i have always been about 2 sizes bigger then everyone else and i regret that i let myself be this miserable with myself for so long!

Im looking for some friends on her to help encourage me and also so that i have someone to 'answer' to if im not (parden the pun) pulling my weight! I have lied about my weight and what i eat for so long, and im ready to tell people the truth in hope that it will encourage me to face up to it and change it!

im planning on starting a shake diet (my first try and this, ive always disaprooved of them) to kick start some weight loss, as my boyfriend is taking me away for my birthday in a month and i would rather like to feel comfortable in something other then a baggy t shirt! I also walk my very exciteable 7 month old springer spaniel twice a day. As of this morning I am going to try to jog as much of it as possible. This mornings walk i managed 2 streets and a lap and a half of the big feild so im quite chuffed with myself. im hoping to increase that to three walks on days where i have the time and fit in any other exercises throughout the day.

well thats my plan anyway!
please let me know if im doing anything wrong or if it can be improved! i would love to loose 6 pounds in the next month at least.


  • not_virified
    hay im sophie :) feel free to add me x
  • ivan1964
    ivan1964 Posts: 435
    Hello and welcome here. You can do anything you put your mind too. I hope you have a great day and feel free to add me if you wish. :smile: