Check my food diary please :)

Like I said I need to lower my sugar levels as I double+ them in a day and I think that this is where I am going wrong in my diet


  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    1) Why aren't you eating?
    2) Why do you get less than 20g of protein a day?
    3) What happens on the days when nothing is logged? Are you fasting? Are you binging and just not logging it? Is it similar to all the other 500 calorie days?
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    1) Why aren't you eating?
    2) Why do you get less than 20g of protein a day?
    3) What happens on the days when nothing is logged? Are you fasting? Are you binging and just not logging it? Is it similar to all the other 500 calorie days?

    I know it looks bad now but it's just a wee rough outline of the day ahead, so it's not finished yet. I find it extremely hard to get protein. Those days that were not logged were only because I didn't have a laptop those days however admittedly I would of only got 700-900 calories in those days :( I'm not fasting, although I tend to fast the day after if I feel I ate too much junk. I find I eat a lot but the food just doesn't seem to add up. I'm a vegetarian and not a fan of processed or substitute products like qorn however I do promise to try and add a little during the week.
    How can I lower my sugar levels? I eat a lot of fruit but thats were the over load is coming from and I really can't afford to stop or lower my fruit lol
  • mcrowe1016
    mcrowe1016 Posts: 647 Member
    I think you need to reevaluate your relationship with food. Eating too little over long term will cause your metabolism to run more efficiently (read: slower) making weight loss in the future even more difficult.

    In addition, these large deficits created will be eating away at muscle mass, leaving you with a higher body fat %, which I am assuming you don't want.

    Don't worry about sugar. Eat two to three servings of fruit and as few items from cans or boxes as possible. Plenty of things have protein that you can eat. Eggs, greek yogurt, fish, ethically raised chicken. It's not hard to get your protein in if you plan ahead.

    Eat at least 1200 net calories a day. You might put on a pound or two as your body adjusts to you suddenly doubling calories, but once your body is used to it, you will start losing weight again but in a way that will not permanently damage your body.
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    Thank you very much for you're insight :) I know I need to learn to love and enjoy food but at the moment food is just there to stop me from fainting again which I did recently :( I have very low self esteem and confidence and my fear is people seeing me eat and I'm a social person so eating is very hard for me and if I do eat in front of anyone I make sure it's small or a quarter of what they are having. :( I know it's a horrible lifestyle and way to think but I can't help it. The hatred I have for my body image is far too great and it clouds my knowledge or nutrition and health :( I am quite knowledgeable with what is bad for me but unfortunately I find it hard not to do it. I will keep in mind what you have written and thank you again :)
  • rms171
    rms171 Posts: 30 Member
    We are all here to support you. None of this is easy. But the advise above is exactly on point. There are ways of getting protein that are not very complicated, but critical so you get what the body needs. Once you start to lose muscle mass (and continue to lose weight) you hit a dangerous double sword. You're not accumulating fat and you are losing real body mass. Swap out foods and see where you can substitute.
  • hellou76
    hellou76 Posts: 33 Member
    In response to above post, I mostly agree with what has been sain however....

    Vegetarians don't eat chicken or fish????

    It may help to get a good quality protein powder to have a shakes or add to yogurt, that would up your protien intake. However it is really important that you reassess your food intake and increase your calorie intake across the board (carbs and fats included), if you have got to the stage where you are fainting you are causing serious harm to your body. Have you thought about seeing your doctor for support and advice, I think they may be able to help you, I know that can be hard but maybe a friend or relative you trust could go with you for support.
  • feathertouch
    feathertouch Posts: 156 Member
    Thanks guys, I totally agree with everything said. I'm very iffy on taking protein powders for shakes and stuff likewise but if it will nourish my body and help me then I guess I can give it a try :) When you say swap foods, what foods do you mean?