Chubby female 5'4 UK, I'm shy, be nice?!



  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    But pixtotts that might make us sound common! We could start a group for fluffy rabbit lovers though! Do you have any? I've got two of the varmints; they eat all my furniture, grr :D

    thats a good point actually.....
    fluffy rabbit lovers is definitely a go!
    i really want some more bunnies but all the wild rabbits round us have mixi its so sad :(
  • Bealach_Bug
    UK and also 5ft 4, when's your big day?
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    Lovely Yorkshire (wet but lovely) here, 5ft5. Friendly and nice to humans and animals. feel free to add me as a friend.
  • gorgeousjoanne
    Hi there, I'm 5'4" too. I'm Canadian, but my husband's English, so over the past twenty years this "colonial" has been assimilated into the collective (no, I'm not a Trekkie, my husband is). I know so well how you feel. This past spring, I actually passed on a job interview at the County Courthouse because I saw my reflection in the shop mirror. How counterproductive and self-destructive that was!

    As you can see from the ticker, I have a loooong way to go. I lost 30 lb and gained it back, partly because of why I was losing the weight. I was yearning to be that tiny little size 8 girl I was, but at 42-years-old, the real worry is staying alive and healthy for my severely autistic daughter. This time, I believe I am doing this for the right reasons.

    This work we are doing (and losing weight requires diligence and work) takes courage; and courage is fuelled by love. Self-love is not selfish, because if we love ourselves we can better love others. It takes courage to go on the bus or wherever, but steel your resolve--you have a right to live life and go anywhere you want!

    If you want to be on my friend list, I could use encouragement too!:flowerforyou:
  • herbalkitty
    herbalkitty Posts: 185 Member
    UK and 5'4" here too, good for friendly motivation if anyone wants to add :smile:
  • tcalamity
    tcalamity Posts: 89 Member
    Im 5'4" and from UK. Feel free to add me:)
  • connye13
    connye13 Posts: 19
    you can add me and Iknow exactlyhow you feel.. just remember 1 day at a time and you will mess up but just keep moving forward.. Have a great day Connye
  • banshishi
    banshishi Posts: 197
    do hedgehogs count I have one of those.

    Hedgehog? Way cool!

    yep african pygmy hedgehog..insanely cute. Not as cuddly as a wabbit tho.
  • starjd
    starjd Posts: 18
    Im starting to feel very short now as im only 5.2 (and a half!) I've been here for a few months now and decided i should get some friends so i can become more active within the site. Please feel free to add me, im here quite a bit and would like to help ppl with there weight loss as well as get advice.

    Good luck everyone :D
  • Biglobofan
    How do you add the ticker to your post?
  • starjd
    starjd Posts: 18
    To include your ticker in your MyFitnessPal Forum posts, change the setting at this link:

    Try this link i think that's how i did it. Im really bad a things like this, so sorry if im mistaken.
  • floydypants
    floydypants Posts: 52 Member
    I am also 5'4" and from the UK. Feel free to add.

    While we are all here can I ask what people's weight and dress size are / were? I see some people say they have reached 7.5 stone and I think I would have to lose a leg or maybe both to ever get to that! At the moment I am a size 16-18 and I am currently at 15stone 2! I would just like confirmation if I am a freak of nature or not :laugh: I am planning to aim for around 12 stone at the moment.
  • veriddian
    veriddian Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Floyd, in answer to your question I'm 13 stone and I'm a UK dress size 12/14. I agree with you, it's difficult to tell by weight alone. My mum is 5,2, 14 stone and a size 22 which to me seems strange as I'm barely lighter, although I'm taller.
  • banshishi
    banshishi Posts: 197
    Hi Floyd, in answer to your question I'm 13 stone and I'm a UK dress size 12/14. I agree with you, it's difficult to tell by weight alone. My mum is 5,2, 14 stone and a size 22 which to me seems strange as I'm barely lighter, although I'm taller.

    The scales isnt the end of it all tho, it doesnt take into account what is muscle weight which would make you look slimmer and fit into smaller clothes than someone who is the same weight but has a higher fat weight..that doesnt even account for bone densities and other factors like fluids that all contribute to the total weight.
  • floydypants
    floydypants Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks, that sounds more similar (although lighter) than me. When I was a size 12 I was around 12 stone. It amazes me how much people's weight can differ, I remember I used to borrow and lend clothes to a friend when we would go out, we were pretty much exactly the same size, but she was two stone lighter than me.