my first day

So, I decided to start today. My husband decided to take me out on a date (rarely happens with 4 kids). We went to Texas Road house.....very bad. (we had never been before and it is new in the area) My calories for the day? Well, I guess I don't have to eat tomorrow, right? :) The good news, we drank ONLY water, no apps or desserts and We didn't get anything to eat or drink at the there is a bright side. :ohwell:


  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    Welcome to the site. Somedays are better than others and you make the best out of what you have or where you are at. Water, no apps or dessert was a good choice and pat your self on the back for that. Date with the Hubs well Yee Haw with 4 kids I bet that never happens. So remember tommorro is a new day. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • epoeraven
    epoeraven Posts: 458 Member
    Losing weight is just like anything else in life in that you will have days that you stumble and have obstacles. Of the many things I have learned from this site is to not let one wrong turn totally ruin your trip to the skinny jeans aisle.

    I used to use a stumble like yours as an excuse to totally blow my diets and thus would sabotage myself. The fact that you skipped the desserts and the appetizers and only drank water shows that you realized that you needed to use some restraint. And, besides, going on a date with your husband without the four kids would be totally worth the little stumble in my book.